5) False Hope

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Your P.O.V

I ordered Gally to wait in the room as I headed to the kitchen. Without saying a word to anyone or even bothering to acknowledge them, I grabbed two boxes and put them each in a bag. One had what I typically enjoyed and one was the least likely to have anything he might be allergic to. Even if I'm surrounded by EpiPens I prefer not being the cause of an allergic reaction.

"Y/N,"Jackson tried to call. Despite this I pretended I didn't hear as I walked past him. If he thought I was going to try and befriend him because of the bare minimum then he truly is an idiot. I have made it quite clear I want nothing to do with them, and they have shown the feeling is mutual. Now it stays that way, and that's how it should be. I stay alone.

Except, for one person apparently. As much as it pains me to admit being around an immune brings back something I haven't had in years. Reminders of my childhood and the way I had hope that the world could change.

That was a stupid dream. It's part of why I'm done with people. That's not something to dive into now though.

Knocking on the door, I opened it when he muttered a faint come in. He was sitting on the floor while keeping his gaze fixated on the wall. Then again he seemed more of trying to put himself somewhere else right now. Not that that's an unreasonable thing to wish for. After all, he's away from all he knows. No matter who you are it's a hard thing to process.

"I brought dinner. Here's yours,"I stated, handing him the box before joining him on the floor. Of course, I made sure to stay a good distance away as I opened the tray. Taking my first bite, I glanced over to see he hadn't touched it.

"You need to eat so you don't get sick,"I directed.

"What's it to you?"He murmered in a strained voice.

"Look. I know you're hurting, but starving yourself isn't going to do anything. You can't survive off of coffee alone. You don't have to eat it all, but try it. If you don't like it we'll figure something out,"I promised.

"I'm not-"
"Don't lie to me. Survivors guilt is real, and it's painful. It's absolute hell, but ignoring it won't do anything. Just trust me on this,"I urged.

"Who have you lost?"He asked quietly.

"Nobody we talk about."

"Didn't you say ignoring it won't do anything?"He reminded me.

"I've done it for years. I don't plan on starting now. You though, still have fresh wounds. Literally and metaphorically."

"It doesn't matter. None of this matters."

"What doesn't matter?"I asked, putting my food to the side.

"Can you stop worrying about it? I'm not your problem,"He snapped, still not looking at me. He was much too focused on forgetting everything about his life.

"I'm going to give you space. I'll see you later tonight,"I said, standing up. He didn't respond as he kept his arms crossed, and I didn't bother to ask for one. "And if you know what you're allergic to I have an extra dessert in my tray. You can have it if you'd like,"I added before finally walking out.

° ° ° ° °

Sitting outside the building, I took another breath before pulling the picture out of my pocket. Running my hands over the creases, I tried to imagine what she'd look like now. I tried to imagine her voice. Whether she was singing or laughing, I wanted to remember what she sounded like.

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