1) Uncaring

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Your P.O.V

I sighed as I tapped my fingers on the table. Everyone had gone out to who knows where and left me here. Typical. Then again I don't like any of them anyway. If I'm being honest a lot of Right Arm workers are snobby. Despite them being seen as these great heroes they don't treat some of their members very well. Especially, if you're different.

So it's not that I want to go with them. It's the fact that I'm all alone and waiting for something remotely interesting to do. Even if being alone is better for me not wanting to blow my brains out it gets old when it's like that all the time. Of course, I am aware I did it to myself. Being alone means I can't make friends. While some consider that sad I have no need for anybody. I've survived this long, haven't I? Besides, they're dicks anyway.

Nobody is truly worth being around, and if they were I'd run like I was being chased by WCKD themselves.

At least, that's what I always tell myself. If only I knew it would all change in just a few hours.

° ° ° ° °

"Y/N, we have a major emergency,"Clara panted, practically banging my door open. To be honest I don't know how serious I need to take it. An emergency to her can range from a broken bone to a black eye.

Then, I saw the blood on her shirt.

"Holy shit. Did you get impaled?"I asked, gathering my medical supplies.

"I didn't, but you're close,"She vaguely stated.

"Get to the point. Do I look like I have all day?"I asked, turning around and raising an eyebrow. That's when two other members came in carrying a boy covered in blood.

"Lay him down,"I instructed, setting everything up nice and neat. They did as I turned him over so he wouldn't choke on his own blood but stayed right beside me. "Leave. Quit breathing down my neck,"I sighed, waving them off. In the meantime the boys face was losing color, but he was breathing.

"I hope you don't like this shirt,"I mumbled, pulling out my scissors and cautiously but quickly cutting it in two. After all, he looked like he was going to bleed out. If I hadn't been around this sort of stuff I would probably be panicking.

I saw he had actually been impaled with a spear. It was directly in his chest. "If you have asthma you're probably screwed,"I informed him, both unaware if he could hear and not caring if he could. If I was curious about how this happened I would have asked. Luckily for him I'm just going to try and fix him up before he goes back to doing whatever he needs to. If he dies that's just life. I'd do my best to avoid that, but I'm not a superhero.

"Get ready for the best sleep of your life. Lucky bastard,"I said, mumbling the last part before putting the anesthesia mask on him.

Gally's P.O.V

The amount of blood a human is capable of having almost feels unreal. Unfortunately, I found that out as some shanks just picked me up. At least, that's my assumption as I ended up in the back of a truck.

The thing is it doesn't hurt the way I thought. Maybe it was shock. Not just from this but because when I woke up every bad thing I did came rushing back.

I tried to kill Thomas.

I tried to kill Teresa.

I got stung.

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