2) The Cold World

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Your P.O.V

"Hey. Jackson, Cameron,"I called, knocking on their door. They took their sweet time as they dragged themselves over. Not that I'm surprised by that. I'm not sure how they have enough brain capacity to remember how to breathe. If they weren't strong they'd be entirely useless.

"Open the damn door,"I yelled, banging louder. Finally, Jackson opened it and stood there with his arms crossed.

"Where'd you two pick up the boy that got impaled?"I questioned.

"None of your business,"He said in a singsong voice. He takes pleasure in being a pain in the ass.

"It is my business because I fixed up his lungs. Where did you find him?"I repeated.

"I don't know,"He shrugged.

"Tell me or I swear I will bitch slap you so hard your ancestors will feel it because we all know nobody would want kids with somebody with less brain cells than a cockroach,"I insulted. From behind him Cameron laughed.

"Why you laughing? Is something funny? Because the only thing you should be laughing at is the fact that you paid for that haircut,"I said, adding air quotes at the last part. He turned bright red.

"You know if you keep being a jerk to people just joking around with you you'll end up alone?"He asked, clearly trying to hit a nerve.

"Good. Being alone means not having to deal with people like you. Now tell me where you got the boy,"I repeated.

"Fine, but only if he's there to clear anything needed to up,"Cameron bargained.

"Fine. As long as I know that's all I care about,"I shrugged, leading them back to my room. For some reason that was the designated medical room. What can I say? I'm not very liked, and they made that well known. I don't blame them of course. I had made it clear that that was exactly what I wanted. Peace and solitude are all I require to stay stable.

° ° ° ° °

"Hey Gally. I've got some people who are going to tell the story. If you need to interject feel free to do so,"I announced as a small group gathered around him. A few other people who have no idea what happened decided to stick their nose here for some reason. That doesn't truly matter though. As long as they keep their mouths shut about that one topic we'll be fine.

"So we were making our rounds when we came to the old WCKD building. You know, the one they used to hold the kids in?"Cameron checked. While I'm sure everyone nodded I kept my eyes on Gally. I wanted to know how much he knows about WCKD. There didn't seem to be an ounce of familiarity in his mind. If anything he looked like he was also hearing this story for the first time.

"We walked in and it was just him and some little kid on the floor. The little kid was clearly dead-"
"Chuck,"Gally interrupted.

"What?"He asked.

"The kid has a name. It's Chuck."

"That's not really important. So the little kid-"
"The kids name is Chuck so just use it. Show some respect to him you asshole,"I interrupted. He threw me a cold look before taking a breath.

"Fine. Chuck was dead. His chest wasn't moving or anything. This guy was beside him. There was a spear in his chest so we tore part of it out and picked him. From there we took him here,"He explained.

The Munnie (Gally x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin