Chapter 31

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Kim Taeyeon's Point of View

I wake up at the sound of my alarm. My sheets rustle as I sit up and check the weather outside—it's bright and sunny.

I wonder what Baekhyun's up to...

I leave my room and meet my mom making breakfast in the kitchen. She jumps at my presence, "Ah, Taeyeon! When did you come?"

I chuckle and hug her from behind, "Yesterday late in the afternoon... I slept for twelve hours, Mom. I feel good."

She giggles and pats my head, "Good for you. Sit down, and I'll finish this quickly."

I take a seat in the dining area and rest my head on my right palm with my elbow propped on the table. I watch my mom cook as I think of something I can do to ease Baekhyun's resentment toward me. I ask, "Mom, can you teach me a few of your recipes?"

She glances at me with a skeptical look, "That's weird coming from you. You don't like cooking." She chuckles, "What's up?"

I look down at my fingers, which are covered with new as well as dried-up wounds, and answer,  "I want to make Baekhyun meals."

After hearing Baekhyun's name, she turns to me, "Oh, right. How is Baekhyun doing?"

"He hates me," I say casually, while she prepares the table.

She wears a faint smile with pity on me, "So you're doing the classic, 'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach?'"

"I guess you can say that," I shrug and exhale sharply, "Anyway, I don't want to ruin this day. Baekhyun will do it for me the next time I see him," I playfully smile at Mom, making my situation the butt of a joke.

My mom sends me to the grocery store to get the ingredients for the recipes I want to learn, and while strolling the snacks aisle, I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. Anxiety creeps up my spine, but I loosen up after seeing a familiar face pop beside me. I met him at a fan meeting before he debuted in GOT7: Bambam.

"Hello, Ms. Taeyeon," Bambam smiles. "How have you been?" For a moment, I was reminded when Baekhyun used to call me "Ms. Taeyeon."

"Oh, hey," I pat his shoulder and ask, "Why're you here?"

"I'm visiting a friend who resides in this area. I'm supposed to get some snacks, but I saw you," he answers, and as if a light bulb went on in his head, he invites, "Ms. Taeyeon. I don't know if you know, but I'm hosting a show called 'Bam House.' It's where I talk with the guests I invite over. I was hoping you could join me on a day you're free."

I giggle before unhesitatingly answering, "Sure! Just send me a message through Instagram where, and I'll tell you when, okay?"

His face brightens up, "Thank you so much. I'll be waiting for your reply."

Bambam goes and does his thing, while I go back home and learn my mom's recipes.

She's teaching me how to handle food safely. She goes on about certain foods that should be maintained at certain temperatures, and I'm already growing tired of it at this point. I hate learning, and I hate cooking. Hence, I hate what I'm currently doing, but I remember who I'm doing all of these for.

I just can't let go of Baekhyun... although I did before.

I prepare a packed meal of bibimbap 'cause it's the easiest to learn, first of all, and I remember he enjoyed eating the bibimbap my mom once made me before.

Just two reasons enough to bring me on my feet and hands to do things I never did...

I drive myself all the way to Baekhyun's place and spend several minutes debating how to give him the bibimbap I made. As I approach his door, I realize that his house camera might record me, so I quickly duck and fall on my knees, scraping them. I dust my knees but stayed on the cold floor, while I use the door knob to hang the bag with his meal inside.

3rd Point of View

Chanyeol moved across Baekhyun's apartment room to monitor his health and accompany him in his rehab and physical therapy.

Chanyeol is about to walk out of the door when he sees Taeyeon on his intercom. He starts watching her struggle while he places his free hand on his hip. He takes a bite of his apple and thinks to himself, "That must've hurt..."

He gives her a few minutes to escape the place before going out to see what's inside the bag she'd left for Baekhyun. Right as he takes the food container out of the bag, Baekhyun's door opens.

As Baekhyun gives his friend a doubtful glance, Chanyeol looks as if he's doing something no one should have seen. Baekhyun arches his brow, "What are you doing?"

Chanyeol nervously chuckles and asks, "Have you had lunch?"

Baekhyun leans on the door frame, "I was actually about to go to your place and ask if you want to go out for lunch."

Chanyeol shakes his head and taps Baekhyun's shoulder, "No worries. Someone prepared us lunch." He enters Baekhyun's place and walks straight to the dining room.

Understandably so, Baekhyun questions, "'Someone?' Who?"

Chanyeol thinks quickly on his feet, "My mom, of course." He gets the food that Taeyeon—not Chanyeol's mom—prepared on the table and sighs, "This is only for you..."

Baekhyun laughs at his face as he snatches the packed lunch from Chanyeol's hands, "See? Your mom likes me, not Kyungsoo... nor you—sorry to break it up to you. Tell her thank you and that I'm recovering well from the accident." He opens the food container and looks appreciative, "This looks good."

Chanyeol peeks and sees Taeyeon's skills in handling knives. He says, "Jeez... When did my mom unlearn how to handle a knife?"

Baekhyun elbows Chanyeol's stomach and starts mixing his food without having an idea that Taeyeon made it for him.


[😭 I'm sorry that I took so long. 😩 I was in Canada for Christmas and it was hectic af.

🥳 By the way, Merry Christmas! How did you guys spend your Christmas? 🫶🏼 Not only that but Happy New Year! 😬 God, I took longer than I thought I did... ♥️ I'm wishing everyone good health this year. Grab the opportunities that come your way, and live with no regrets.

🥲 Meanwhile, I'm gonna be in my university, crying over my schoolwork and my bank account...]

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