Chapter 23

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Byun Baekhyun's Point of View

Being an "often-watcher" of romantic movies, I knew that breakups were frequently brought on by infidelity, business- and/or career-related matters, family issues, and external factors. Safe to say, I presumed that one of these would cause my breakup, but I never thought that my own company and fans would be the reason I'd lose my girl.

There was nothing extraordinary about Taeyeon and my love story. We met, never had a dramatic first interaction; we fell in love, never had parties who played love bridge; we went on dates, never had fancy rendezvous. In other words, we're no extraordinary couple, besides the fact that we're A-list celebrities in this country.

People made stories that Taeyeon seduced me and that she abused her seniority over me, but rather, it all began with my childlike and lame tactics trying to get her attention. She struggled with all of these assumptions without letting me know; hence, it inevitably built a wall between the two of us, leading her to break up with me.

Why did we meet at the wrong time? Maybe if we weren't celebrities, then we could've loved each other more freely...

I regret not chasing after Taeyeon when she decided to break up with me. I was trying hard not to shed a tear after hearing her say she wanted to be selfish and leave me, but after she had left the room and slammed the door behind her, it took me a few minutes to process everything that had happened before breaking down.

If I had stopped her from leaving, would she have stayed?

My schedule's packed for the next couple of weeks, but I'll never give up winning Taeyeon's heart once more. Her last stare in my eyes was heartbreakingly cold as if all her affection for me was gone.

I've been sending gifts that she mentioned wanting to have once or twice, flowers that symbolize things that I want to say, handwritten letters that come from the bottom of my heart, and homemade meals my mom taught me how to cook through paid deliveries. She hasn't responded so far, but I'm prepared to wait however long it takes her to get back to me.

But is it because she had already made up her mind to end everything with me that I haven't received anything back yet?

I picked up my phone and dialed Taeyeon. It rang, it rang, and it rang...

"The number you have dialed has been disconnected. Please try again later, or leave a voice message after the beep."

I inhaled sharply, "Hi, Taeyeon. I heard your solo debut has been prepared for release on the 7th of October. I'm happy for you; I've always been and will always be. It's about time you start shining as a soloist but 'twas always been pushed back, and I'm especially to blame. I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was being selfish and was harming everyone and you. I hope we can discuss this in person, but I know you're busy. I hope you liked the flowers I gave you today. Take care of yourself..."

Chanyeol peeked in the mirror and asked, "Didn't answer?"

I sighed, "I should at least be thankful that she didn't block me."

He turned around and looked at me pitifully, "'Re you coming with us?"

I shook my head, "I'll just take this time to sleep. Insomnia's getting the best of me nowadays."

Chanyeol patted my shoulder before leaving with the boys, now I'm all alone in the dorm. They've gone to do multiple things: sightseeing, night cycling, grocery shopping, etc.

I stood up from my bed and paced back and forth with anxiety. I was about to get my jacket and head out of the dorm to personally see Taeyeon, but my phone notified me of a breaking news.

"In-House Couple" Taeyeon and Baekhyun eventually chose to split up due to their busy schedule.

My heart dropped like I missed a step on a staircase. Bullets of cold sweat formed on my face down to my neck. Gravity is pulling me to the ground, not letting me take another step to the door.

Was she so eager to make it official that we've broken up?

I broke down in tears and began whimpering. I haven't calmed down yet I picked up a pen and a notepad—I'd been using to write Taeyeon letters—from inside my drawer. I began writing another letter that I wouldn't be written back to.

Instead of writing a heartfelt note, the 30% anger I'm currently feeling made me write a letter that threatened her to come back to me, while tears out of anger landed on the paper, spreading the ink of my pen.

     If perseverance was the reason I pursued you to be my girlfriend, then so be it. You think I'll leave you just because you told the public that we're over? No. I will keep on chasing you until you become so used to it that you'll feel like I'm your own shadow that you can't get rid of. You do realize that I was able to draw you in, right? What makes you think that I wouldn't be able to do the same now?

I don't want us to end this way, Taeyeon.

I heard the door open, and footsteps came rushing towards my room. It seems like some of the guys decided to come back after seeing the news.

"Are you okay?"

"Wanna talk about it over food and alcohol?"

"I'll order them now."

After all the efforts I put in, the sacrifices I made, the time I spent, the apologies I said, the gifts I gave... they couldn't pierce through Taeyeon's adamance that she had lost all her love for me. My friends are the only reason I kept pushing through.

What a crazy ride this has been...

I looked at the mirror and sighed, "It's the 309th day, Byun Baekhyun."


[First of all, we're back in the prologue, so that tells me that we're halfway there 😭 Silent readers, supporters through voting, and to those who leave comments, I can't thank you enough 😩 I love you guys <3 I'll leave my Instagram here, so feel free to stalk me 😂 (@kweny_88)]

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