Chapter 2

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Kim Taeyeon's Point of View

I woke up to my whole body aching. I stood up and realized that I had slept on the couch despite having my own room. My neck started feeling stiff, and my head is on the verge of exploding.

"Just how much did you drink last night, alcohol trash?" Yuri nagged while having her breakfast.

"There's literally no need to ask. Even a sip can knock her out," Sunny said while chewing.

"How did I get home?" I asked while pressing my throbbing head.

"Girl, we have no idea," Tiffany said and took a bite of her bread.

"Thought you were kidnapped," Hyoyeon arched a brow.

"We were just having fun while partying," Yoona stated and rested her chin against her palm.

"And the next thing we knew, you're gone," Seohyun pointed out.

"You were snoring so loud, we couldn't sleep with the doors open," Jessica said and sprayed facial mist on her face.

I sighed and got my phone to call our manager.

"Can you please buy me a bowl of hangover soup on your way home?" I asked.

"I'm doing exactly that at the moment. Hang in there for a minute," she replied before hanging up.

I threw my phone to the other couch and felt puking, so I rushed to the bathroom. I flushed the toilet and washed my face.

"I'm never drinking again!" I exclaimed.

"I'll tell you what's ironic. You said the same thing a few weeks ago. I'm not going to fall for your nevers again," Sooyoung snapped with a straight face.

I sat down at the dining table and buried my face in my arms. Our manager entered with a plastic bag in her hand and put it in a bowl for me.

She placed a spoon on a kitchen towel near me and said, "Eat it while it's still hot."

After finishing it, I took a shower and changed into a tracking suit. I went inside the van with the girls as our manager drove to the company building.

I forcefully dragged myself inside the building and greeted the staff. We stood in front of the elevator as it revealed EXO-K when it opened. They bowed at us, and we greeted them back.

"Were you guys at the party last night?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yes, we were," Junmyeon replied.

I muttered, "Really?"

"Keep up the good work, boys," Tiffany cheered.

I tilted my head out of confusion and glanced at them one more time.

I don't think I saw them last night though...

My eye caught one of their members, Baekhyun, pouting with a sly smirk. I frowned at that sight and made me wonder what that was for.

We went to the recording room to produce our third Japanese album which will be released at the end of the year. It's our third day recording it. I focused on guiding my members and came my turn eventually. I entered the room and wore headphones.

After several minutes, the song was ready to be saved. The song producer played the song, so I had my full attention listening to it.

You call my name

Someone tried waking me up, "Ms. Taeyeon?"

I ask you again, "What did you say?"

"Hmm," I responded while grinning ear to ear.

I pretend I couldn't hear you

I teased, "What do you want~?"

Because I want to hear it again

I gasped out loud, making everyone in the room flinch. "What memory is this!" I exclaimed while covering my face.

"What's wrong with you, eonni?" Seohyun asked.

"Shit! Baekhyun was the one who brought me home when I was drunk," I blabbed while pressing my temple with both palms.

"What!" the girls synced.

"How? Wait, why is your phone bulky though?" Hyoyeon asked while caressing my phone. She took off the case, and a napkin was revealed.

I snatched it from her hand and unfolded it. Everyone gathered behind me to read what was on it.

"101-1234-5678 Recall the details before calling me..."

The girls gave each other sly smiles.

I'm doomed...

We went to the dance practice room and waited for our choreographer to arrive. I walked back and forth while trying to remember what happened the night I got drunk.

Jessica gasped, "Taeyeon-ah, you would want to see this!"

I walked towards her and looked at her phone.

"I took a video of the girls last night, and it shows here that Baekhyun was helping you walk out of the place," she pointed out. "Girl, you are so in trouble."

The girls stayed with the Super Junior members in the dance practice room as I excused myself to go to the parking lot. When the elevator door opened, it revealed the guy I never wanted to see at the moment.

He bowed and smiled at me, "Fans are watching, so please act along."

I went out and acted like I was treating him nicely.

As I was about to go on my way to our van, he handed me a few documents that he was carrying and smiled, "My personality can't tolerate patience, so if you can, recall all the deets as soon as possible."

I was about to step back into the elevator, but he walked in and said, "I thought you were going out?" He chuckled, "Get a grip of yourself, Ms. Taeyeon."

I shut my eyes and gritted my teeth tightly as the elevator doors closed. I walked to our van and went inside it. After tossing the documents aside, I screamed my lungs out as I prayed no one could hear it from outside.

"What deets is he talking about?" I yelled out of frustration.

I didn't do anything stupid, did I?

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