Chapter 24

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Byun Baekhyun's Point of View

I exhale all my worries about how this day will go and ring the doorbell, but no one answers. I look at the door and notice that it's unlocked. With a pounding heart, I rush inside without making sudden movements, praying that Taeyeon is safe.

She wouldn't have gone out without her car, would she?

After checking that the living room, the kitchen, and the dining area are safe, her bedroom is the next thing I want to check.

"I'm not taking him back, girls. It was hell for me dating him. I realized that I didn't love him. I was just in love with the thought of him," Taeyeon shrugs with a smile as if no weight's on her shoulders.

My heart shatters after hearing her words as I naturally lose grip of the bouquet to the ground. Every one of the eight heads turns to face me while taken aback.

"I had no idea you were so dismissive of my feelings for you," I utter with shaky lips before I could run away.

"Baekhyun-ah," Taeyeon calls, but I ran off without looking back.

I just now realized that there were several pairs of shoes by the door, but I guess I was too distracted with making sure Taeyeon was safe.

I can't keep on crying about her and giving her the right to hurt me anymore.

I get in my car and depart hurriedly. I look in the rearview mirror and see Taeyeon getting soaked in the rain, but I just keep driving. My tears begin blurring my vision when my mind keeps on playing our memories, causing me to drive off my lane.

As my emotions overpower me, I start to gasp for air. I reach for my phone so I can call Chanyeol, but all I hear is a car honking before everything goes dark.

Kim Taeyeon's Point of View

Sunny arches a brow, "You really think you can deceive us by saying you don't love him anymore?"

It's been a while since the girls visited me, and they've been making fun of my red, swollen eyes and nose 'cause I've been crying all night, and losing Baekhyun is the only reason why.

I bury my face on both of my palms, "I really should stop thinking about him, but he keeps on sending gifts and letters."

Yoona scoffs, "Let's talk about you opening those gifts and reading those letters first."

Tiffany agrees, "Right? How will you move on if you can't even ignore his gifts and letters and whatevers?"

Sooyoung puts the top back on the Pringles' can and says, "This is not the time to mourn about him. Anyway, he's not yet dead, but..." Sooyoung grabs my hands, "Repeat after me. 'I'm not taking him back, girls. It was hell for me dating him. I realized that I didn't love him. I was just in love with the thought of him.'"

I wipe my tears and laugh before repeating after her. We all turn to look at the sound of something being dropped to the floor and are all startled to see Baekhyun standing outside my room. All of a sudden, he starts sprinting without hearing me explain.

No... I can't do this to Baekhyun.


[Refer to Chapter 20]

I grabbed my purse while holding onto Baekhyun's letter and was about to head out, but some of my girls came rushing in. Hyoyeon exclaimed, "Taeyeon! You wouldn't believe who worked with Dispatch and spread the news of your relationship with Baekhyun!"

I held the strap of my purse tightly and asked, "Who? Who was it?"

Seohyun replied, "Our former manager Joo Hyun."

Yuri spoke, "Don't you remember? You were with her when you were drunk and had Baekhyun take you to the dorm? Also, she was always with you when you guys were having little dates in the living room."

All this time... It was my fault that we got exposed to the public.


[Refer to Chapter 21]

I'm fighting with the night air alone, trying to reach Baekhyun's dorm to split up with him.

I have to end this 'cause it's bound to happen anyway soon.

I uttered, "I can't take this anymore..."

My heart sank even when I was the one who said that. Baekhyun lost all the joy in his eyes, and that, itself, made me change my mind.

I slammed both my palms against the table and yelled, "Let's go on dates and not give a fvck about everyone!"

"B-but... how? Everyone's going to lose their minds, the Internet's going to crash, the industry's going to collapse, the company's going to explode, it's the end of the world-," he kept on rattling so I sealed his lips with a kiss.

Please give me a little more time with him.


[Refer to Chapter 22]

I convinced five of my uncles to help me break up with Baekhyun—two of whom are my mom's brothers, another two're my dad's brothers, and the other one's my dad's friend.

One of my uncles asked after seeing me in a daze, "Are you sure about this, Taeyeon?"

I sniffled, "Yes, uncle. I've dragged this long enough."


Tailing after Baekhyun, I'm getting cold chills on my neck seeing how fast Baekhyun is driving. He keeps on passing cars and going above the speed limit.

"Please pull over... This is not safe..." I mumble under my breath as if Baekhyun would hear me, but he keeps going like he's in a hurry.

Meanwhile, I can see from afar that there is an incoming car whose driver is on his phone, and I see Baekhyun's car driving off his lane to the left.

I'm so helpless and unable to save him that I can only honk my car and scream, "Baekhyun!"

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