Chapter 17

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"I thought Matthew was the only psychic on campus."

He waves his hands. "Yeah, now. This library isn't considered part of Legacy Academy. Hasn't been for longer than I care to remember. Come on in, I'd rather answer your questions somewhere more comfortable." He turns and heads deeper into the library.

I hesitate and look at the door behind me. It's not like it'll magically open now. I walk down the foyer, my apprehensive steps cushioned on the burgundy rug.

The foyer opens into an open space that expands beyond the light of the few lit candles. Wood cracks and comes ablaze in a fireplace at the end of the room. Light crawls up the walls, illuminating shelves of books with multi-color spines of all thicknesses and heights.

The boy sighs as he throws himself back into a wingback chair in front of the fire. He looks at me and motions for me to sit down.

I approach the chair across from him.

"Who are you?"

"I am Caiden, the last librarian of Legacy Academy."

I sit down in the chair.

"I imagine you have more questions than just that?"

"Yeah, actually," I pull my backpack forward. "I wanted to see if I could find some books to study for my classes."

He chuckles. "The academy is still forcing students to fail? Their dedication to avoiding actual instruction is impressive."

Nice to hear it was always this way, but it definitely contradicts what is in the handbook.

"We can find books that may be able to help. Though, I am not sure how much good it'll do. The courses were designed with failure in mind, so you may find yourself an even higher brick wall if you get over the one you're already at." He begins tapping his fingers on the arm of his chair. "For you to even consider doing this is impressive in its own right. Matthew must be proud."

Actually, I don't know how happy he'd be if he knew I was out here. I didn't know I had gone beyond the campus boundaries. I fiddle with my hair.

"Is he not proud?"

I snap my eyes back to him. I'm not sure what to say. Matthew may be proud of me, but at the same time, not? It's so hard to tell with his mood changes.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Well congratulations, it isn't like him to feel much of anything for anyone."

He seems to know a lot about Matthew for being locked up here. I wonder what his story is.

"Feel free to ask any question that pops into your head Elizabeth, I won't bite."

He says that, but if I know anything about the faculty on campus, it's that they never answer questions. They thrive on mystery and confusion. Then again, this dark library and its resident hermit weren't on campus, were they?

"What are you doing out here if the library is closed?"

He leans over and grabs a mug that I didn't notice before.

"After I graduated from the academy, I chose this as my job. Books have always been the best company, don't see why I would abandon them once the library was closed," he says, tracing his finger along the rim of the cup. "Not like the council was going to offer me another position anyway."

From what I've heard, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

"And why was it closed?" I say, the words flowing out of my mouth before I can even register them.

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