Chapter 12

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According to the map I found, there's a library just off the path that leads to the athletic field. I take note of where the path diverges, right before the bridge over the creek, and put the map back into my backpack.

It's quiet out, and there are few students milling about. Afternoon classes must be starting soon. I make the turn past the arts and letters building. The rest of the walk should be downhill from this point. From here, I can see the amphitheater and the outer edges of the athletic field. No signs of another building though.

I keep going, pass the amphitheater with its stone stairs, and, finally, make it to the bridge over the stream. Great, now which way? I sling my backpack in front of me.

My bag is mostly empty except for a couple of blank notebooks, because taking notes during class has proven to be impossible, and loose pens. With so few supplies, you'd think it'd be easy to find a single page of paper.

Well, you'd be wrong.

I'm crouched down in the middle of the bridge when I hear footsteps approaching me from behind.

Exactly what I was trying to avoid.

"Well look who it is!"

Thank the fates it's him.

"Good afternoon, Hercules," I say, shoving the contents of my bag back into confinement. I stand.

He's in a tank top and too-tight shorts that show off his tanned massiveness. He has a sleeve full of more than a dozen javelins strapped to his back and more in his arms. Looks like he's off to teach the class I will be joining next week.

He places a hand on my shoulder.

"Trying to get ahead in class? Nice."

How did he know that?

"Um, yeah."

"Great, here take these." He shoves a tube of javelins in my arms. "I'll let your tardiness slide this time since you don't officially start until next week."

Crap, talk about your misunderstandings. What do I do now? I bite my lip and by the time we get to the field, my lip is bleeding and it's too late to get out of this.

The entire class is already sitting on the field. The field, unlike the faint vision of a football stadium that I imagined, is set up for track games. It's mostly dirt, with a small area of grass, and a random pool no bigger than a hot tub. It opens up into the forest on the north and west and spectator stands are set up on the south and east.

The houses have separated themselves like high school cliques, so naturally, there is nowhere for me to go. The students slowly take notice of Hercules and I approaching, and rush to line up on one of the field lines.

"Listen to me, Elizabeth," Hercules says in a hushed voice. "Put everything you have into this and I might not kill you."

Is he serious right now? I give him a sideways glance. Yeah, he's serious.

"Line up."

I nod, hand him his quiver of javelins, and rush to join the others. A group of five with red collars are at the opposite end. Three with yellow. Two with blue. Four in ivory. The two in blue are closest to me, a boy and a girl.

They're staring at me, I can feel it. Hercules is taking his time and all the while the twosome are burning holes in the side of my head. Nothing to be done about it now.

"My name is Elizabeth. It's nice to meet you." I extend my hand to the girl next to me. Her hand fidgets, and she quickly puts her red hair behind her ear.

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