Helaena's Wedding

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Valyrian Dictionary:
Kepa- Father

Kepus- Uncle

Prumia/Prūmia- Heart

Muna/Muña- Mother

Mandia- Older Sister

Valonqar- Younger Brother



bold and italicized = Valyrian

bold and italicized = Valyrian

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Rheaella's P.O.V.

The feast the night before was everything that Helaena had dreamed of. It was nice to know that she enjoyed it so much, seeing that she usually doesn't like feast and other gatherings. She said that her visons and the voices get to be to much and we don't blame her. Many view the dragon dreams as a gift but knowing what they do to you. My family now knows that it is a burden as much as a gift.

It was very early morning of Helaena's wedding when I pushed back the curtains letting the sun sweep into Helaena's room and a grumble leaving the covered figure on the bed.
Hela it's time to wake up, I hear more grumbles, "It's your wedding day, Hela, you have to get up." With that she shot up and looked at me and then outside.

"I see that, but the sun has not even risen yet."Helaena pulled the covers back over her head, I then move to sit next to her and pull the covers off of her.
"I know the sun has not risen but it will surely take a long while for mother and I to dress you since you requested that we dress you not the maids." I get off of the bed and walk towards the window that looks over the gardens where the wedding was taking place. "The gardens are almost all done, it looks like the candles just need to be lit." Helaena got out of bed and raced towards the window.
"I cannot believe that I am going to wed today. I never thought I would get the chance to. At least not for love." I smile and hug her. "I cannot wait for your wedding day, my sweet sister, for I know it will be grand."
"Yours is going to be grand as well."
There was a knock on the door and my mother walked in right after. "Alright my girls it's time to get you ready."

Helaena's P.O.V.

Once the maids bring in my dress and hang it on the changing wall and then walk back out the door.
Looking at my dress finished, becomes a reality that I was not prepared for. I am getting married. I am about to pronounce my love for the one I am to spend the rest of my life with. I sowed and created the big dragonfly on the front. I saw it in a dream, about Rheaella's daughter calling me aunt dragonfly and it made me think that the future little girl had a point. I am a dragon, but I have an affinity for bugs and critters and I wanted to embrace that. No one in my family had a problem with it, and I didn't even have to explain myself to anyone. 

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