While the Treasure was away the Dragons Did play

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Please check out my other story about Game of Thrones, their is multiple love interest and not all at once. Your Opinions would be very much appreciated

Valyrian Dictionary:

Kepa- Father

Kepus- Uncle

Prumia/Prūmia- Heart

Muna/Muña- Mother

Mandia- Older Sister (Only Rhaenyra is called that)

Valonqar- Younger Brother


bold = Valyrian

Viserys' P.O.V.

It's been a day and a half since Rheaella had ran away? Flew away? I am not quite sure how you would describe it and as I read the letter in my hand from Lord Gerold saying that my treasure was safe and sound and would be staying a few days to learn of her Royce roots, I smile lightly at the letter, she was coming back, she wasn't going to abandon us. Though my smile fades lightly when I hear arguing outside my chamber doors.

I open the door to see the king's guardsmen holding back a very angry Aegon and Alicent just standing there with a solemn look on her face. When she notices that I am in the doorway she sends me a soft smile and tells the guards to drop Aegon. Once they do, Aegon scrambles to his feet. "Aegon, what are you doing my boy?"

"Mother caught me going to the pits and she had me brought here, to you."

"Well it's a good thing that your mother did then, because do you even know where you where going." Aegon stared down at the ground and kicked the imaginary dirt on the ground.

"I would find her though, I would search until I fell from my dragon." I sigh and stand up and walk towards and I hug him.

"See,"Alicent speaks up, "that is one of the reasons that I didn't let you go, I can't lose two of my children, not in such a short period of time."

"I am sorry mother, I wasn't thinking, the only thing on my mind was Rheaella." I chuckle at my son's statement. As Alicent takes Aegon from my arms and holds him tight.
"As always my boy," I walk back over and pick up the letter from Lord Gerold, "I received a letter," that causes both Alicent and Aegon look my way and Alicent quickly takes the letter from my hand and starts to pace around while reading the letter.

Aegon turns to me,"What does it say father?"

"Well, my boy, it says that Rheaella is safe at Runestone, and will be coming back in a day or so," I watch as his body instantly relax and him take a deep shuddering breath of what I can only guess is relief, "but, the letter did not go into further detail besides saying that Lord Gerold will be touring her around Runestone, as it is her birthright, as her birthmother was the last lady. That being said Aegon one day you are going to be her lord consort of Runestone. You will start lessons on ruling when she gets back, you shall take them together."

I take a deep breath and sigh out causing Alicent to look up from the letter, and Aegon taking it from her, like he would suddenly discover new information from it and Alicent walks toward me and start rubbing my back, "What is it my love, Viserys, is something the matter?"

"I believe that I have played blind for too long," Alicent furrows her brows and looks into my eyes, "I have let Rhaenyra get away with so many crimes without punishment. Yes, Lucerys lost his eye for what he did to Aemond," Alicent squeezes my hand, "but, those sons are not the sons of Laenor, but I shall not do anything about that now, unless something needs to be done. What I regret is naming Rhaenyra my heir."

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