39. Nelson v Murdock

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Matt couldn't wipe the smile off his face the whole time he was climbing up the stairs to the office. Little did he know that tonight his life was about to hang on a thread, saved only by pure luck and coincidence, all thanks to Foggy. Matt was about to face Nobu, while you were about to go to Fisk's party. Life liked to make fun of him, but now it was making fun of both of you - tied together by the invisible strings of fate, you both went out to face the consequences of your actions. And of course, Karen went to make her own investigation on Fisk's family with Ben, hiding her plans as well.

It seemed that only Foggy had no secrets in the office, but he was about to get involved in the rest of three. Soon.


Clueless about your condition, Matt and Foggy found themselves in a heated argument, at the breaking point of their friendship. The glorious days of Nelson and Murdock were coming to the end. Matt wakes up drowning in an unimaginable pain, when a voice reaches his ears, "Wouldn't do that if I were you."

One moment passes in radio silence, when Foggy speaks up again, "Then again, maybe I would. The hell do I know about Matt Murdock?"

"You stitched me up?" Matt taps his body, feeling big patches of bandages.

"Nope. That was your nurse friend."


"You had me get a hold of her after you took a swing at me for trying to get you to the hospital." Foggy stands up in front of Matt, still cautiously keeping his distance. Never has Foggy felt further from Matt than he did now.

"I don't remember. Sorry." Matt sighs loudly and tries to sit up.

"She was hot, by the way. But I guess you already knew that, huh?"

"Foggy -"

"Just tell me one thing, Matt. Are you even really blind?" Foggy inquires, and Matt feels anger surfing alongside every word that leaves Foggy's mouth.

"I am."

"Then how do you go around going this shit?" Foggy desperately tries to see at least a crumb of logic in this situation, yet fails terribly.

"The chemicals took away my normal sight, but gave me heightened senses, I... I can combine them all into making a picture in my head, but I still can't see like you do, Foggy, it's like everything is on fire, and I..." Matt was struggling to speak, as it drained him out quickly, "I just make the outline of it."

"So, you can see." Foggy cuts Matt off, and the latter gets frustrated quickly.

"That's not - You're not - Are you even listening to what I'm saying?"

"Yeah, world on fire, I got it. But you can see, right?" Foggy repeats the question again.

"Yeah, in a manner of speaking. But I -"

"No! No manner!" Foggy shouts and steps close to Matt, quickly shoving a middle finger in his face, "How many fingers am I holding up?"

Matt sighs in defeat, "One." Foggy puts his hand down, shocked.

"All these years, I actually felt sorry for you."

"I didn't ask for that. I never-" a deep breath breaks Matt's sentence into two, "I never asked for that."

"Yeah, I didn't ask to be lied to. I thought we were friends." Foggy helplessly waves his hands around.

Matt furrows his eyebrows, visibly hurt by Foggy's words, "We are."

"You've lied to me, Matt, since the day we met."

"What did you expect me to say, Foggy? 'Hi, I'm Matt. I got some chemicals splashed in my eyes when I was a kid that gave me heightened senses.'" Matt finally sits up with a great struggle, anger rising.

Bound by Law (Matt Murdock x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα