15. Karma is a...

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The weekend has passed calmly. If 'calm' has suddenly changed its meaning.

You were stressing over everything, drowning in memories of Robert and you, remembering how you agreed to go on a second date with Wesley, and later found yourself meeting Murdock more than your bosses would like their best lawyer to do.

Monday morning you came to work earlier than usually, making yourself a nice cup of tea, you were sitting in your office, a red folder with documents rested in the middle of the table that was so clean, you saw your own distorted reflection. Dressed in red turtleneck and jacket, you were waiting for the heavy knock on your doors, prepared for everything that might come, yet you weren't prepared for the sight you saw when Todd burst in your office, two minutes after the beginning of a workday.

"You bitch-" he closes the doors loudly and storms at your table.

"Morning, Todd." You say calmly, clasping your hands together on the folder. "What seems to be the problem?" You take a better look at his face and see a huge bruise under his eye. "You look well." A smirk escapes your lips, and Todd visibly clenches his fist at you.

"You're hiring criminals and sending them after me now? You fucking bitch." He paces around the office, raking his hair like a maniac.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Todd. Why don't you have a seat, eh?" You eye him suspiciously, before smiling brightly, "I believe we have things to discuss."

"Oh, yes, we fucking do, I'm gonna sue you, and your little fuck buddy, and you," he turns back at you and points, "you're gonna regret it, all of it!"

"Gee, Todd, maybe you should try some camomile tea? I heard it helps with the nerves." You pretend to be concerned, and a sickening smile appears on Todd's face.

"I swear, you're the biggest bitch I've met in my life."

"Me? Oh, please, I know far worse." You raise your eyebrows theatrically, and he takes a step towards your table, hoping to intimidate you.

"You, you hired some justice idiot to get out of your problems? Well, it didn't fucking work, congratulate yourself and your buddy Murdock!"

"You don't shout at me in my fucking office!" You stand up from your chair, and it rolls all the way back until it hits the wall. "I don't know what you're talking about and who gave you the look of America's next sweetheart, so sit the fuck down and let's play lawyers, Salotto."

He sends you a look and furiously grabs the chair to sit down, you do the same.

"I thought about your offer." You begin and a shadow of hope passes on his face. "Although for any other woman the thought of seeing your micro penis would sound appealing, I found something far better, let's take a look, shall we?" You open the folder and Todd, still chewing the last thought, has yet to catch up with you, when a firm's picture of him on the first page throws him off tracks.

"What is that?"

"Oh, I've sacrificed my off days and found something very interesting, Todd." You smile slightly, flipping through pages, "I'm sure all the things will be familiar to you, but don't get angry at me for repeating, where was it? Hmm. Oh, found it, fraud, bribery, giving and receiving, oh you really like that one, I can see." With every word, his face became redder and redder, yet you continued nonchalantly. "Throughout your career, you've managed to take money from 30 clients, and then bribed five officers to get out of speeding tickets, used drugs that are illegal in the state, and my personal favorite - money laundering." You close the last page of the folder and take a look at Todd.

"Where'd you get that?" He looks like he's about to snap any moment, looking at the closed folder, barely blinking.

"Two words, Todd, hard work."

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