25. King's Right Hand

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Wesley was a surprisingly charming man. A good lover as well. There was something unusual about him, but you didn't really care. You wanted a man who could be passionate as well as composed, and James was exactly the man for that role.

You didn't feel anything for him. Yet. Of course, you knew him just for a couple of weeks, but now, spending this evening in a luxurious restaurant, you didn't give a crap about his business at all. And to be honest, tonight Wesley didn't seem to care about his task either. Yes, he brought you to the same restaurant that Fisk took Vanessa. Yes, he was sitting in the exactly same place that Fisk sat. After all, James was a man of details. He liked hanging out with you. Those previous meetings were constantly on his mind. Even though he loved his work more, the pleasure of being given such a huge power to control things, being the mastermind behind great plans - that was his drug. But you, sitting here in front of him all happy, but trying to be discreet about it, made him feel something else. Perhaps that was just lack of sexual activity, as it is very difficult to fit into his busy schedule, but deep down he was certain that something might happen. Tonight. If Kingpin's plans won't change.

"So, James, what got you so mysterious tonight?" You ask, taking a sip of your wine. The silence felt too long, even if you blamed it on the food chewing.

"Oh, the usual." He simply says, fixing his glasses and shooting you a smile.

"The usual mystery, huh. Now I'm even more curious." You put the glass on the table, and look around for a moment, the restaurant is full of people, non-stop chatter and soft music playing in the background.

"Believe, nothing interesting. Nothing more interesting than you." He smirks, looking at you for a moment before sipping his wine as well. "You look nice tonight."

"Thank you." You blush a little. Wesley smirks to himself again - it was easy to charm you with simple flattering. But this time he was completely honest. "You're not so bad yourself."

"I don't think I remember myself wearing anything else beside this suit. And many variations of ties." He cracks a joke, downing his wine and waving for a waiter.

"Sometimes it's good. Sticking to one thing rather than wasting yourself for a thousand others."

"Wise words. I'll put it in my list."

"You have a list of wise words?" You huff a laugh, Wesley smiles as well.

"I have a list of everything."

"Oh, real businessman." You say and also finish your drink, just in time, because the waiter reaches your table with a bottle and, listening to Wesley's finger motion, fills up the glasses again.

"Yes. So how was your day?" He asks, trying to focus on you, rather than him. There is so little he could say about his lifes, that when it came to the world beyond Fisk's business, Wesley thought of his life as pretty pathetic.

"Okay, I guess. Despite the fact that I had to literally stop a fight right there in the office." You slightly roll your eyes.

"Oh? Tell me more." Wesley leans on his interlocked fingers, giving you full attention. He notices how your cheeks got rosy from the alcohol, and how you went to the hairdresser just before the date, as he has never seen you with your hair curly before. Not when he pulled all the information he could from the archives. And honestly? The hairstyle suited you.

"Okay, so, we come to the office, as usual. Foggy and Matt go straight to the office, Karen leaves to print some documents, and I go to the coffee maker, turn that old bastard on, and leave it for a moment, and go to the office as well. Moments later, we hear shouting in the lobby, and hurry out, and can you imagine? We see a man and his friend, already beating the shit out of each other on the reception table, everything's on the floor, wrecked. Of course Foggy runs to grab one of them and separate them, I run towards the other, Matt also tries to help, and just as they calm down, a third one runs in and launches on everyone." You say and take a pause, during which Wesley asks,

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