Chapter 10 The Military Personel

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The man asked the police officer in an ethereal voice, "Is there any particular place where the disappearance of people happen?"

The police officer calmly answered as if to show no signs of fear, "Why do you ask that? We're not allowed to say that."

You shouldn't have said the latter half. Naiba thought in response.

Naiba looked at the police officer in the eye showing his dark red eyes filled with endless desires.

The police officer was unable to hold any longer, and he freaked out, pulling his gun in the process.

The gun was staring right into Naiba, though it was pointed at Naiba it was shaking.

Naiba gave a soft sigh and he stood up, walked over the police officer and tap him in his sholder.

The police officer lost his composture and fell to the ground. His breathing was heavy and his whole existance is shaking.

Naiba calmly asked with his ethereal voice, "Where can I find it?"

The police officer answered without hesitation afraid that he might die if he doesn't answer, "I-in the 16 Bell St. there lies the c-corpse retrieval team. W-we already concluded that its there b-because of the corpse retrieval team was sent there by the government... I don't know anything further please leave me alone!"

As he finished his words his sence of fear disappeared. He silently opened his eyes to see no one.

He silently muttered to him self, "Was that a ghost? Was I seing things?"


In an alley not too far from the police officer. Naiba grab his brown hair and tooked it of and put it in the bag that he hid here. He also tooked out his dark red contacts and put it inside a box and stuffed it inside the bag.

Removing the long brown hair and dark red contacts revealed Naiba's appearance. He had a short yet neatly combed hair, his hair was darkish brown in color. He had a deep emotionless blue eyes. He was 1.7 meters tall. His pale white skin that makes him looked feminine greatly increased his looks. He wore an soft yet experienced expression.

Its nice that the Shop offers cosmetic items. The effects are good but it only works on people who aren't a Subject. Naiba gave his thought.

16 Bell St. I wonder where that is. I'll take a look at the map that I bought. After having this thought Naiba opened his bag and looking through it, finding the map in the process.

He tooked the map out, and quickly found where 16 Bell St. is. After this Naiba stuffed the map back to the bag and started to head towards 16 Bell St.

While walking towards 16 Bell St. Naiba saw middle aged men sleeping in the streets or benches. This reminded him, Sigh, the act of putting every drunked middle aged men to sleep sure is an annoyance. Why did I do that again? Hmm... If I remeber correctly its because I was in a bad mood. The cause of me being in a bad mood is me continuously walking to get here. I can't believe that I forgot that. My age really is getting to me. If I remember correctly its around 73. I can't believe that I was able to recall that. Maybe its because I try to remember it from time to time.

As Naiba walk towards 16 Bell St. he felt really old. He felt a little disappointed to know that his still alive and not enjoying his possible new life in heaven. Though for Naiba heaven is a lie, a lie used to give hopes to Subjects.

After a while of walking Naiba saw the sign post with the words: 16 Bell St.

There were a blockade used to stop civilians from entering. There were a few military personels standing on guard. They blocked the only entrance, stoping non authorized personels from entering.

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