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Reet's Age: 18
Ayushmaan's Age: 21


ऐसी उलझी नज़र उनसे हटती नहीं
दाँत से रेशमी डोर कटती नहीं

A romantic at heart, Reet Shekhawat was enjoying the soft rays of the sun and the cool breeze on a Friday morning in June. The serene atmosphere added another pleasant day to the usual heat of Jaipur as the sun slowly peeked behind the clouds, signalling that it might rain.

It had only been two weeks since Reet returned from London. She missed the vibe of living in Jaipur so much that she could not even express it in words. Above all, being away from her family was making her feel homesick, so summer vacation was a great opportunity to spend some quality time with her family before moving onto the next phase of her life as a college student.

For the past four years, she had been living in London with her widowed bua, Mansa Oberoi, who not only looked after Reet's education, but she herself also taught Reet about royal duties of women, especially that of a princess.

(Bua: father's sister)

Reet belonged to the era of modern-day royalty and in the modern era, royalty was not in much focus. Therefore, the government and royalty work together for the well-being of their people. Also, the highly conservative ways of the royals were long forgotten by the people and the monarchs. Not only that, the evolution of the royalty was molded according to the convenience of the present time for the welfare of its people.

Anyway, today on the occasion of Ayushmaan Singh Rathore's 21st birthday, the royal family of Jaipur was invited to Satyanarayana Puja in Udaipur. They had to take an early flight to reach before dusk. Except that, her Chhote Papa and Chhoti Maa could not attend the puja as they were going to meet some old business associates for dinner and for this reason, their daughter, Meera Shekhawat, was going to Udaipur with Reet.

(Satyanarayana Puja is a puja dedicated to the Hindu God, Vishnu, who is also known as Satyanarayana)
(Chhote Papa: Paternal Uncle, Chhoti Maa: Paternal Aunt)

Meera Shekhawat was two years younger than Reet and was the more bubbly one of the two princesses. Having both a sister and a best friend, rolled into one person, was truly a blessing for Reet and Meera. Their bond was built on the virtues of familial love, care, trust, lots of laughter and fun and above all, it showed every sign of trustworthy confidants. Even when they parted ways, four years ago to pursue education, their bond remained strong.

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