Chapter 61 Final

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(Thanks so much for all the views and likes sadly some things need to come to an end, with the offical Hazbin Hotel being released in the new year I felt like this should be the final chapter since this was based on the pilot of the series. I do have another series of hazbin/helluvaboss called 'the age of Rosalie' for the people that are following this series and haven't check it out yet if anyone still wants to read what comes out of my mind)


Did Mammon get his ass kicked by Lucifer??? Yes...yes he did, it was honestly an interesting show in watching after Lucifer came to Mammon's palace in rescuing me. After the rescue I knew Mammon had a big mouth so it was only a matter of time till work got around that Lucifer  second half human daughter is 'Hela Blood' 

Returning back to earth in my home I was surprised seeing Angel Dust dressed a little more nicer than he normally did he wore a pink dress suit and he had a nervous look on his face when he started approaching me with his hands behind his back

"Anthony? What's with the suit? And why are you acting nervous?" I questioned that being Angel Dust answered me while his eyes looked away from me

"Hela, you've done so much for me...I...don't know or how I can repay you for your kindness." While he was talking he started blushing as he looked directly at me

"But I know that I can't live without ya." What shocked me was when he got down on one knee and held out a ring with a pink diamond 

"Hela Blood would ya make me the happiest sinner in hell?" Those where his words, it had been centuries since anyone had proposed to me and Angel Dust is the first demon in asking me to marry them. In honestly I couldn't complain that there was chemistry between the two of us and he proved to me that he can change and did just for ME, I didn't give him a verbal answer I gently held both sides of his face and kissed him which surprised him at first and when I released him I smiled. 

"Yes...I would." 

I never thought that I would be engaged again but this time it was with someone I actually cared around rather than for my own benefits in survival, though now that I knew the truth about myself and my REAL lineage I saw no problem with myself marrying a demon. 

The first person I showed was Charlie and she was super excited for me in getting engaged, at first she was shocked that Angel Dust even proposed to me in the first place. But Charlie saw that there was something between the two of us and not just being on benefits when I feel like it, Lucifer and Lilith on the other hand had.....mixed feelings about the engagement. Lucifer wasn't so keen on having an ex porn star like Angel Dust a part of his family, but at the same time he really doesn't have much of a say in his dislikement. When I showed Stolas and Octavia the engagement right they had a little bit of mixed feeling as well about being engaged to an ex porn star as well, but at the same time they where happy that I was getting married to someone I loved.

I didn't want word getting out yet, I still didn't want to deal with either Valentino or Vox. I knew the two well enough that they will try to do something that I would REALLY hate, I did talk with Angel Dust about wanting a traditional Noruldra wedding on my original homeland after my final album was released. Angel Dust wanted to know more about the Noruldra culture since he was going to be apart of it and I was more than happy in telling him what he needed to know, it wasn't just Angel Dust I told Stolas and Octavia about the Noruldra culture since they where going to live on the island as well since I planned on moving there.

However after being engaged my weird cravings started acting up again like when I had my Japan tour, I caved in and finally saw a doctor about it in seeing what was wrong with me. To my shocked I found out that I was pregnant and I had no idea since I wasn't showing, the doctor told me that that I had a cryptic pregnancy and that I was five months pregnant.

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