Chapter 59

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(sorry for the short chapter I've been super busy with other stories and work)

So many things went threw my head even after returning back to hell, Charlie knew how to find her mother and that's what the two of us did. She didn't call her since that matter couldn't be talked to over the phone, we didn't take anyone else with us it was just me and Charlie well with two added person being Lucifer since he was now my father and involved and the other being Rea since she was my new birth mother. Though seeing my mother again in the same noruldra clothes as me only confirmed that she was noruldra descendant, however what we didn't know was that myself and the party I was with weren't thee only ones that saw the portrait. Because I had been a little active in hell Satin had sent Darius on a little spying mission, he had followed myself and my group to the cave and was completely shocked learning the truth about who my mother really was. So yay he told Satin what he had found out and was very shocked hearing that Lilith had a daughter with the Noruldra even more that he and God had blessed her with powerful gifts, Satin wasn't the only one that got the news heaven had also noticed me spending more time with demons and spied on my as well and they where just as shocking finding out the news as well. They where aware that I was Lucifer's love child but they never thought that I was originally Lilith's first child...the thought never came to mind even after Lilith left the garden of Eden......

   "Man this is getting intense even for me." I said that while the four of us where waiting for Lilith my mom Rae was in aw looking at the two dolls that I had brought with me as was Lucifer and Lucifer took the doll that looked like my original father and stared at it 

" I thought I knew Lilith well, I guess I didn't?"

"Lucifer?" Hearing Lilith's voice made him look over to see that his ex wife had arrive Rea looked over to see her as well as Charlie seeing her mother  

"Hi mom it's been a while." I was a little nervous seeing but Rea had handed me the dolls and smiled

"You'll be alright." I took the dolls before turning around and facing Lilith, of course Lilith was a little confused seeing me at first. But when her eyes saw the two dolls her expression charge.

"Where did you get those dolls?" I didn't answer her question at first as I walked up to her and upon stopping in front of her looking at her dead in the eye with a calm smile on my face. What shocked Lilith even more was seeing the flute that was around my neck what made her start to tear up a little the moment she placed her hand on my cheek and I couldn't help but tear up as well feeling her touch, from out of my control due to strong emotion I had turned back into my original self that really shocked Lilith enough to hold me in a tight embrace and tears still came down her cheeks.

"She really is your daughter?" Lucifer said that, though she didn't look at her ex husband and kept staring straight at me

"It happened not long after I left Eden. It's a long painful story."

"Mom all these years I had an older sister and you never said anything. Why?" Charlie was the one that asked her mother that question and she answered her

"It would have ended up with more questions than answers, though I guess it's about time I tell the truth isn't it?"

Lilith then told her real story after she had left Eden she wondered the outside world for a bit that was when she encountered the Noruldra well more like one by chance and the was the human male she fell in love with which I knew now was my first father, she never met the other noruldra but my father told her all about out people along with telling about himself. Then she told him about her saying how he admired her strength and and being strong being in and out, it wasn't long until the two had fallen in love. Lilith knew humans didn't live long and they decided to have a child that was made with love and that child being me. As much as Lilith wanted to take me to hell with her along with my father she knew she couldn't in order to protect us, she stayed hidden during her pregnancy and told no one. Lilith knew that my home would be with the Noruldra after I was born and they where lucky that looked like normal human even though I had Lilith's eyes, before meeting Lucifer Lilith would sneak to the living world to be with my father and he did the same with not tell anyone the real identity of my mother. The rest was history after Lilith married Lucifer and I was chosen as kahtohallan's guardian, when the story ended everything in my life started making sense in why I felt a little different from the other noruldra.

"So all this time my soul had always been, half human?" I said that still in a little shock in hearing my real story about my beginning, I also understood why kahtohallan picked me. though I looked over at charlie who in returned looked back at him

"Now it makes sense why I felt a type of connection with you, along with knowing why my staff didn't fully reject the two of you."

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