Chapter 22

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I had three days until my concert so I had a little time in retrieving one of my journals, thanks to my shape shifting powers I was able to get threw the security of the palace. Getting to the secrete chamber was tough but I managed to get in and not only retrieving the journal, but also a lot of the stuff I stored including the painting I had hidden along with a lot of treasure that I hid as well and brought all that back at my place using my teleportation powers. The treasure I hid under my bed for the time being away from my mom, I knew where to properly store it but didn't want to risk anyone seeing the location.

On my second day in China I had wanted to do a little site seeing and do a little blogging like I did when I was in Scotland and France, I had my security with me during my little sight seeing and a little shopping as well. From going to cafe's and even treating myself to a little spa day with a pedicure, along with a message since I well deserved it. Thankfully for me  the bit marks Angel had left behind didn't stay on my skin long and took about a week to heal up completely, so I had no problem with a body message in getting the stress out of me.

On the day of my concert because I was in China I can go a little more flashier with my powers, instead of singing my song in English or even french I sung in Chinese. I didn't really do much interviews, like before I had several fan meet and greets, bit what was different was that I had gotten offered in doing a few modeling gigs for for some cosmetics and even a lipstick ad that I didn't mind in doing. Unknown to me demons had shown up at my shows in human disguises, some even followed me on my tour and I recognized some faces. Though one demon stood out only because she was brave enough to confront me at my hotel that I was staying in china....

I was sitting on the cough looking threw my smartphone, I still had my makeup on my face but I was wearing a red 1920 bordoux velvet gown. I didn't wear a bra with it so it showed off good amount of cleavage along with wearing the type of head piece that goes with the gown with my hair down instead of up, just when I was about to turn on my TV I heard a few quiet knocks at mt door?

"Hello? Was that a knock?" I didn't hear an answer at first but that made me walk over to the door and opening it, to my surprise the people that had knocked as actually an owl demon the seemed to be around my age. The moment I opened the door and looked directly at her she was very nervous and excited at the same time

"Oh wow, I'm happy I found the right room."

"You might want to come in before someone notice's you." I said that as I led her inside my room and quickly closed the door, after I did that I looked at the demon as I leaned at the door and crossed my arms.

"Care to tell me your name? And how you got here?"

"Oh..right my name is Octavia..I cam here using my dad's book, I wanted to meet ya for a while now." Her saying that name I knew right away who she was

"Your Octavia Goetia, your the one that sent me those pretty purple rose's." It was me saying that had made her happy and even blush a little

"You remembered?" I smiled at her as I answered her

"Your roses where the first bouquets that stood out from thee others, I received A lot of gifts and honestly marriage proposals from the Ars Goetia's." Octavia was surprised by that and it showed on her face

"Are you fucking serious? That's surprising. Even more so that your a human." The two of us ended up talking for about an hour, and it felt nice talking to someone around my age after she told me that she was seventeen. I can see myself being friends with her and I could sense that she felt the same way with me so I gave her a proposal.

" So wanna go on tour with me?" Asking that as Octavia was drinking her bottle of tea made her slip it out from shock as she looked at me with disbelief

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