Chapter 3

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Staying at the Happy Hotel was my only safe option so I took the offer in staying, I didn't tell Charlie about her being my half sister. When she mentioned her dad and the possibility of meeting him, Vaggie explained me about the rankings of hell and how Charlie was the princess of hell and her father being the king. Hearing that almost made my blood go cold, after the conversation Charlie gave me my room key and happily showed me to my room. She talk to me like an excited fan would and I happily answered any questions she asked and when she asked about my new album instead of answering her, luckily I had my purse on me and I held out the first CD of my album confessions.

"This is the first CD of my fifth album, these won't be released for another two months. I was going to give this as a gift, I have a feeling you'll like it." Charlie cheered with excitement as I handed the CD to her and she took it and screamed with joy

"Want me to sign it for ya?"

"Yes please." Where Charlie words to me as she hands the CD back to me and I got out a pink sharpie and signed my signature on the cover, before giving it back I kissed the top half that left a kiss mark on it that shocked Charlie in aw as I handed back the CD.

"Here's a little bonus for ya." Taking back the CD Charlie was in shock and disbelief that I had left a kiss mark on the CD for her, she then hugged me in thanking me and I hugged her back

"Hm.. I wonder what this feeling is?" Charlie thought that the moment she hugged me, she had a feeling the moment she had met me. She felt something different with me and couldn't figure out what it was but, she felt a type of connection that she couldn't explain. The hug didn't last long Charlie took me hand as she continued to led me to my temporary room until I manage to get back to Earth.

"And here's your room Hela." Where Charlie's cheerful words as she opened the door and showing the room to me as I went in first, the inside looked like a gothic hotel room with a theme of red like a vampire hotel and the room itself was massive like a five star hotel.

"Wow this room is nice, thanks Charlie." Me saying that she was happy as she talking to me

"Happy to hear that..ohh before I forget don't forget to watch the news later today I'll be on in announcing the hotel. Everyone is going to love it." I told her that I would and she waved bye to me as she left me in the room by myself the second she left I sighed

"I can't believe she's HIS daughter and now I am." Thinking that to myself I looked at both of my hands

"Now that I'm in hell? I wonder if I'm stronger here?" Thinking that both the palms of my hands started glowing that shocked me enough that my back had hit the door

"Isn't this Photokinesis? This is new? I wonder what else I can do?" Seeing that type of power intrigued me and my curiosity got the better of me, I wanted to see if I had thee ability to summon. Right when I closed my eyes I hands where still glowing but that light's color had changed to red, without realizing my feet where floating off the ground. My mind was focused in that very book that had brought me to hell, remember what it looked like and remembering how it felt the moment I touched it. The moment my eyes opened they where glowing red and the light from the palms of my hands had surfaced and created a sphere that had summoned the very same book that I needed, looking up at the book my eyes had stopped glowing as the book floated down to me and my feet had touched the ground.

"Damn I can summon stuff now. Awesome." I said that now looking at the book in my hands with a prideful smile on my face, now that I had the book I can now go back home. But I was in hell and wanted to see what hell really looked like instead of going home I hid the book under the mattress, I also had a feeling my sudden disappearance would increase the sales of my stuff and my album would sell like crazy if I was missing. Another thing that made me stay was the possibility of seeing Lucifer, with my new found summoning powers I used those powers in bringing half of my wardrobe in the room I was in.

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