Chapter 37

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Angel Dust was enjoying looking around the lust ring, me on thee other hand...I was grossed out. Both by the sight and the smell, still being in my Luther body I held my free hand to pitch my nose to help me not smell anything. Looking around I saw why it was called the lust ring.

"You don't look well?" Angel Dust said that to me seeing the color on my face drained looking like I was sick as I answered him

"I fucking hate this place, I never liked the smell of sex it's so damn gross. How do you stand it?"

"I used to be a porn star remember, thanks to you I ain't as bad as I was before." I couldn't help but glare at him when he said that, I almost forgot that he was an ex porn star and I was the reason why he quite that field of work just for me. To me it proven just how much he loved and valued me, however he did show his horny side to me from time to time which I was never in the mood for with his sad hope in sleeping with me whenever he wants too.

Looking around the lust ring for a few hours was more than enough for me, I was afraid to touch anything and I could feel the smell of sex was practically on my clothes and in my hair. I did changed out of my Luther form and to Angel's surprise I changed to Mathew Winchester's body as I smelled my own hair and with a disgusted look on my face

"Ahh..gross the smell is in my hair now."

"Why don't we go back to the hotel, bet Charlie would LOVE to see ya again?" Angel Dust suggested that and I liked that idea, just when I used my powers in creating a portal to the hotel Angel Dust sense something that made him turn around before he went threw the portal after me. He didn't like what he was sensing and he still went threw the portal, when he came out and the portal closed from behind him he saw me hugging Charlie and seeing how happy she was seeing me again.

"Hela I'm so happy seeing you again." Charlie said that while she was still hugging me and I patted her head while smiling

"I'm surprised you recognized me despite being in one of my previous bodies."

"I'm not sure how, but I felt your presents the moment you entered hell." Hearing that from Charlie surprised me  a little bit as did Angel Dust, though that wasn't thee only thing that surprised Angel Dust. He couldn't help but notice the look Alastor was giving me while I was talking with Charlie after the two of us stopped hugging, I was also talking with Vaggie as well and didn't even notice Alastor at the time.

"You alright Al? You look like you've seen a ghost?" Angle saw that Alastor wasn't thee only one that looked like he'd seen a ghost Baxter had the same shocked and disbelieving look on his face as well when he came downstairs after hearing the commotion, the moment he saw me as Mathew Winchester he stopped in his tracks.

"Don't fucking tell me you two know Mathew Windchester?" Angel asked that to the two, after I stopped talking with Vaggie and Charlie I couldn't help but looking over at Alastor and Baxter who where staring daggers at me and I calmly smiled at the two of them

"I don't believe it..YOUR Mathew Windchester as well?" Alastor said that to me as he approached him not believing what he was seeing

"Surprised it took you this long to realize it Alastor? I'd figured YOU would end up in hell? I'm guessing you killed that BASTERED huh?" After saying that Vaggie questioned me

"Wait you knew Alastor when he was Mathew?" I nod my head yes to her before answering

"Indeed during my time as Mathew I went to New Orleans's during around 1910's before I died in 1920, I met a lot of interesting personalities during my time as Mathew I owned a couple of buildings one of them being the Omni Royal hotel after it's remodel and I still own it. I actually met Alastor when he was just a child during my research for my last novel, I helped better educate him with reading and writing during the a way we became good friends at the time."

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