Chapter 21

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Right after I sent Angel back to my place I had called my agent like I had promised and invited both her and my manager to my suite, I told them now a crazy obsessed fan managed to break in and practicality gave me a date rape drug. And he sending out that scream shockwave was a way of defense and someone managed to teleport him far away from me, both my manager and agent where worried about me and from the fact that I was almost assaulted and kidnapped before my next and last show was even worse. I left out Vox's name and from the fact that he was someone a knew, it was at the moment I told them both what I wanted to tell them.

"What? You wanting to retire from the music industry?" My music manager was surprised when I said that and I answered her

"Yes, balancing both the music and fashion world is a little too much for a person, I want to retire after I release my tenth album. I'm already starting to write several songs for my sixth one already. Also if I continue like THIS I'll only get more obsessed fans like the ones I managed to escape from." The knew that I was right running a fashion empire and being in the music world at the same time not a lot can do so they respected my choice and I would announce my retirement on my eighth album release, before they left my suite I told them I repaired the damage I had done and no one noticed me.

"I'm happy I had time to tell them that." I sighed in relief after I closed my door and leaned on it, it was then I had noticed Vox's tie that was on the floor that made me shiver in fear he wasn't the one that made me afraid.

" I can't believe that drug worked on me? That's bad...I can't let Lucifer know this isn't his problem.... Valentino was bad enough already now I gotta deal with another one at the same time." When I noticed the tie I noticed something else that caught my eye that made me walk over to it, what caught my attention was a broken vcam bot that made me pick it up.

"So this is how he did it? And he only brought one?..Good to know. But still...he's now a problem."............

"So he only brought one bot with him....thanks for the heads up." Angel said that while he was on the phone at my house and he hung up before looking at my mom

"Vox only brought one camera bot and it only followed Hela. Her house isn't bugged." Saying that my mom sighed with relief, Angel didn't have the heart to tell my mom that was drugged and almost raped by the guy so he let that part slide.

"Now that's taken care off, best not to tell Lucifer about this." Though it was those words the made my mom worried

"What do you mean not tell him, she's his daughter?"

"THIS..matter happened before that. Doesn't involve him, this is something Hela needs to do without him. Those where her words, I'm only repeated what she told me Rea. She didn't want YOU getting involved or even'll only make things worse." Him saying that my mom was worried like any caring mother would, but she knew who I really was and didn't know how to feel.

During that time I was talking to Charlie over my hellphone and writing down notes that she wanted me to do with Angel Dust, I had told her that Angel wasn't safe in hell for a little bit and that I would help with his rehabilitation along with my mom's help. I can tell over the phone that Charlie was happy that I was helping out with the rehabilitation, I didn't tell her about the whole Vox thing I didn't want to make her worry. When I ended the I did turn on the news and people where still talking about the sudden shockwave, hearing that made me a little upset and at the same time relieved now that I know what I was capable of under serious terror.

"Maybe THIS body might not be as great as what I thought it was?"I questioned that to myself watching the news and hearing peoples reactions to that shockwave, I was upset with myself hearing that I blew out several people's hear aides and blew out some eardrums that made my heart sink and it was at that moment that I started guilt crying.

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