Chapter 6: Babys First Mass Murder

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William's P.O.V

Standing on the snowy floor coated in fire, I look at the unfortunate dude who had just used the newfound strength provided by my aid to quickly stand up and put up a guarded position against me, seemingly expecting me to do something bad to him. Not really knowing how to calm him down I simply stand there looking at him until he gets the message that I'm not planing to harm him in any way.

And eventually he does, dropping his guard after realizing that nothing happened to him after an awkward TWO, FUCKING, MINUTES of me just looking at this dude. Thankfully my vanity {Winterized Soldier Helmet (Customized)} covered up my face because I could not control my muscles twitching after the first 30 seconds. Still, he definitely wasn't relaxed but could finally communicate as he said:

Weirdo: "Did... did you save me?"

A little irritated at  the dumb question, I decided to mess around with him a bit. If push comes to shove my [Psychic Mind (City Block Level)] could just make him forget this entire conversation and then implant memories that fit my interest.

William: "No, actually. You set yourself on divine fire all on your own. Lucky you, right?

Just then did he notice that he was literally on fire, a flash of horror and panic flashed across his face until he realized that he nor his potato sack were actually burning, instead a gentle and rejuvenating warmth spread across his body protecting him from the surrounding chill. After a short pause of this bozo standing there flabbergasted, he quickly turned to me and said with a level of gratitude I was not quite used to getting:

Weirdo: "I... I'm saved... I'M SAVED! Oh dear Oum, thank you!"

William: "Hey man, don't sweat it. Just saw you lying on the floor dying and assumed correctly that it wasn't by choice, so seeing how I could, I help you out."

Weirdo: "Right! Right, sorry I... I just didn't expect to live is all. Truth be told, I saw you coming around while I was dying but, I just assumed it was a delusion."

William: "I get it, not a lot of people walking around in the tundra I assume. Still, you wouldn't mind telling me how exactly you got in this situation, would you?"

The question was almost rhetorical as if I really did need any information I could just take it directly from his mind, but it was still better to ask as to not cause unnecessary problems. Wouldn't want my first human interaction in this new world to be a hostile one.

Weirdo: "... Um, not to offend you sir but, I think... I'd rather keep my story to myself. All I can tell you is that I just got away from a slave camp nearby, which is why I'm in these clothes"

Thanks to the [Educated] perk I had a good grasp of the general situation of Remnant, things like continents, cities, the general political landscape and such. It was only information that the average civilian should know, so I would not know that Dust is the crystallized form of magic after the Brother Gods took it away from the previous humanity, only that "It was an energy source". Still, even with this basic knowledge I knew that slavery was a sort of 'open secret' kind of deal, with people knowing in Atlas knowing that it existed but no one really addressing it.

William: "Really now? And how did you get away?"

Ex-Slave: "They shit-bag they got to supervise us was to much of a lazy moron to make sure we actually ate the sedatives they fed us to keep us out of it and not attract Grimm with our negativity. After a while the Grimm finally came and attacked the camp we where kept in, and in the scuffle my chains managed to get loose. Too preoccupied with the Grimm they didn't bother stopping me, so I could get away unimpeded."

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