Chapter 3: Leveling Like A True Capitalist

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William's P.O.V

At this point, my mind had already gone through so many emotional upheavals that I couldn't even muster up the effort to be shocked at this point, so I was just left staring at the weird device that was... probably a phone. After a while of hesitating about whether to touch it or not, I ultimately decided that, at this point, having caution was just laughable.

Moving the device around in my hands a little to look at it in different angles, I could guess that the 'start up button' was probably the grey one in the lower middle, and so I went to press it... aaaafter hesitating for a good 30 second, pondering over if this was some kind of explosive and I am just about to kill myself. But in the end, I determined that the worst outcome of this situation was death and, you know what? I am just hopeless enough to not really care, so with a push, I press it.

Upon doing so, I feel a tingling sensation in the finger where I pressed the button, like the feeling one gets when one of their limbs falls asleep and they try to move it, however, it was strangely a lot less uncomfortable. This feeling traveled upwards from my finger, to my arm, to my chest, through my spine and into my brain. Following this feeling was a brief but striking headache, just a few short seconds, but the amount of pain in those brief seconds made it a veritable year in my mind. Sinking into my comfy red crystal bath I curled up in a fetal position and held my head, [The Omniphone] sinking into the red crystals in the process has it left my hand. Foreign information manifested itself into my mind, like raw information forcefully grafted and then rapidly adapted into my mind. 

After a good 2 minutes of adaptation, I was finally able to completely process the massive amounts of information that had been forced upon my poor poor brain. Looking down I fished out [The Omniphone], holding it in my hand with a strange amount of familiarity, my gaze of admiration reflected on it's smooth metallic sheen. Just by scouring the surface of the 'tutorial' grafted in my crome dome, I knew that this baby was my ticket back home, and much, much more.

The TL;DR is that [The Omniphone] was an infinitely enhanced version of any regular cellphone, it's basic functions already outstripping the very best of the current human technology. Completely infinite battery and data capacity, ever present wifi that had a speed of 640.000 zetabytes a second (Roughly 10.000 times the amount of data currently on the internet). Phone cameras, plural, that could zoom in to photograph quarks or zoom out to photograph the local universe. Phone calls that could connect across multiple multiverses and through varying levels of technology, and much more.

But by far, the very best feature was one completely original to [The Omniphone], this being the {Store} app. In layman's terms, the {Store} was an Amazon like shopping app that could instantaneously manifest anything that was bought inside the app, in addition, the {Store} app served has a bank that would store all the valuables (U$ dollars, €uros, gold coins, hegemony credits, rupees, etc.) has information and automatically transfer them to their equivalent in the current area. But that was not the best part, the best part was the selection of items that could be bought.

[Portable Particle Accelerator], [Dark Matter Rifle], [Infinite Soul Dispenser], [Frank Horrigan Power Armour], [Planetary Obliteration Laser Glasses], and much more. There where even things that where not items at all, like [Wonder of U (Power Type)], [Spacetime Manipulation], [Calculationless Vector Manipulation]... you get the idea.

Unfortunately, things of this scale came at an outrageous cost, imagine the entirety of the Earth's accumulated wealth x5. For now, he could only purchase things that were comparatively low scale, but even those things could be very useful if applied correctly.

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