Chills went down Farsight's spine the more he listened. The quality of sound was getting worse, but the more he heard, the more anyone with any sense could tell the soldiers were losing, more screams of pain and fewer weapons being discharged.

Before the audio cut off, a single pained scream was heard, but it wasn't Agenta...

That was Frostnova!

Farsight stood amidst the panic quietly. Agenta informed him before setting out for her mission she had found someone invaluable to help us but couldn't confirm their identity yet. 

Agenta assured him the only threats she and her group could potentially face were Ursus soldiers, possible fragments of Reunion, or, at worst, an Emperor's blade.

Those roars of fury and hate were none of what Agenta claimed... The better question was, what creature could sound like that?

Questions which will be answered!

And the lives of his soldiers will be avenged.

"Hold on, Agenta... We will find you, dead or alive," Farsight growled with clenched fists before turning back to the screaming civilians and shooting into the sky with outstretched wings to start shouting orders louder than the Hammerhead speakerphone.

- - - - - - - - - - 

Lemuen woke with a tired groan, "Ugh... What..."

"Shh! You're safe."

Lemuen looked over with blurry eyes at the figure with a familiar voice, "L-Lemuel? Ugh!" She grunted uncomfortably when she was pulled into a tight hug.

Despite her pain, she hugged the blurry redhead back tightly—Lemuen didn't bother to scold her dear sister, who had crawled onto her hospital bed. A habit she's had since she was little and something she still does to this day.

"When I heard an emergency Valkyrie was coming with a VIP from Laterano, I just knew it was you!" Exusiai/Lemuel sobbed quietly into her sister's neck.

Lemuen gently stroked the younger woman's red hair, looking up at the ceiling with amusement, "You never were a good liar."

Exusiai's crying got quieter, "Okay, Maybe I heard the wounded woman had pink hair and was in a wheelchair."

"You heard 'Wheelchair' and guessed it was me..." Lemuen giggled in fake hurt and dismay.

"No! No, no, no," Exusiai muttered repeatedly in embarrassment. 

"Relax, Lemuel, I'm joking."

"Hmph!" Exusiai pulls away, sitting on her sister's bed and smiling with red eyes.


"So?" Exusiai frowned innocently. "We haven't seen each other in so long, and all you can say to me is so?"

Lemuen smiles and giggles behind her hand, ignoring the throbbing pain in her shoulder from the unlucky gunshot, "What do you want me to tell you?"

"How about telling me about the war in Laterano? How did you get here? Or how about how you got shot!"

Lemuen's smile drops at Exusiai's obvious concern and distress, and she decides to answer, "The war has flattened most of the city. I was rescued by a... I don't even know what he was, a giant of a man in armour that put our Gun-knights to shame, and I was shot because I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings..."

"Hmmm," Exusiai glared suspiciously at Lemuen, "You have always scolded me about my lack of self-awareness... So, why were you caught off guard?"

Lemuen's smile is bright but fake. A moment of weakness at the time, she was demanding a man to shoot her. Was it weakness or selfishness? Both Lemuen guessed, never once thinking about how Lemuel, Mostima or Fiammetta would feel to news of her death. 

Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes IslandWhere stories live. Discover now