Chapter Thirty-One: Airing of Grievances

Start from the beginning

"Is this Angus here to speak in his defense?" I ask, and a servant steps forward.

"No, my lady, but the case is marked here..." he says, handing me a leather bound folio and withdrawing a sheet of type written paper.

I pass it to Calum, who scans it quickly. "It says here that Angus' defense was that he had a bounteous harvest the year before, and they had made plenty of cornmeal and canned goods with their surplus," he reads aloud.

"Och, Aye, Uku, but..."

"Witness statements corroborate Angus Maclean's testimony. Do you have any other proof?"

"I know it was him, Uku! I demand justice!"

Calum cuts his eyes to me. His expression is somber-the very picture of thoughtful deliberation, but I can see a sparkle of humor in his eyes.

"What is my lady's opinion?"

I swallow, licking my lips and glancing between Calum and the farmer. "Given the fact that there is no hard evidence with which to convict Angus Maclean... My opinion is that the Laird's ruling should be upheld."

Calum nods, sagely. "I am in agreement. The Laird's judgement stands."

And so the day continues. There are similar complaints from other farmers involving crops, livestock, and property lines. Of greater interest are the requests for tax reductions or exemptions. For the most part, though, I gather that Laird Maclean does a very good job caring for his clan. Calum and I agree to uphold most of his judgments.

The line begins to dwindle, and is nearing its end when a man who has some sort of African ancestry steps forward. I frown a little- I haven't seen anyone in Dhaoine-Tir who looks quite like him, yet. I hadn't realized the racial makeup of the country had any real diversity.

"Uku, My Lady," the man greets, and there is something in his voice that is different than the rest too- a strange sort of drawl that reminds me of an accent I can't quite place.

Calum straightens in his chair and leans forward, his interest truly piqued for the first time all day.

"What brings a member of Clan Drummond to The Airing of Maclean grievances?"

I abruptly remember Tamhas, and the darkness of his skin, and wonder how many of the men's clans can be determined merely by their physical appearance, without the aid of kilt or tartan.

The man bows, respectfully. "Uku, my Laird Drummond has previously petitioned Laird Maclean to return an errant clansman, but was denied. I come on Laird Drummond's behalf to ask you to correct this error of judgment."

"Would this 'errant clansman's' name be Tamhas, by any chance?" I ask, after a moment of silence, and the quick glance that Calum casts me is filled with warning.

The man dips his head, and I look back toward Calum.

This case has all sorts of political ramifications- even someone as unversed as I can see that. It is a fight between two Lairds, and Calum's insertion into the battle could upset the balance of power. I do not understand the intricacies of Clan dynamics, yet. If Calum wants me to keep silent, I will.

Calum stares at me for a long, long moment, as though considering, and then inclines his head- a silent gesture for me to continue.

"From what I have gathered, Tamhas is mated to a Maclean, and therefore within his rights to settle on Maclean land. What issue does Laird Drummond take with this?"

"Tamhas fled the Drummond lands, and his position of Household Guard, before he was mated to a Maclean. It is not lawful for a Clansman to settle elsewhere without his Laird's written permission. Since Tamhas' crime predates his mating, he needs to be returned to Drummond lands to answer for it."

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