Chapter 9 "In action"

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Mun looked at window wondering about something..until she heard noices that came from the door..

"How did she missunderstood that?!"

"I don't know..Eventhough I tried to explain it..I need to do something about it.."

Being curious about it Mun went his way to two girls..

"Did something happen?"

"Some missunderstanding.."

"With who this time..?"

"With tenchō.."

"With who?"

"Oh..I mean Jade.."

"You call her that?"

"I mean..Yeah..she is the owner of the coffee shop.."

Mun nodded and still wondered what Sung-Young had meant by "missunderstanding". He then looked at Hana. She sighed and said:

"Jade thought we were on date.."

"Huh?! You and her?! How did she..?!"

"Well..We were running for seccond..and then she pointed out our matching outfits..And we went eat..And she found us in McDonald.."

"So what did you say?"

"Of course we said no..Hana said we were in the same sports team..and she kinda believed it..but I don't know how long she will believe.."

"So she might start searching about us soon?"

"I am afraid so..For that we have be also carefull..And I have to clear up missunderstanding soon.."

Mun nodded and then he heard beep from his ear piece..that made Hana and Sung-Young too grab theirs

"Ah! Ahjussi..What is it?"

"We have situation going on! Me and Mrs.Chu found evil spirit! We don't know what level yet..Can you sense it?"

Mun closed his eyes for second and saw that evil spirit had stepped on their territorry. He then looked at Sung-Young who looked focused on hearing..

"Jungjin's shopping mall..floor 3..She has brown jacket and flower dress.." said Sung-Young..

"You can sense that much?" asked Mo-tak through his ear piece.

"Yes..She is quite loud I have to say.."

"Okay..We are on our way.."

Hana then got to the car and drow them of to Jungjin's shopping mall.

"What if it's Dohwi's twin?" asked Mun.

Hana looked at him and then said:

"We will see..Is Jaok-bong there already?"

"I think so..He said he had to meet some of his old collage buddies.."


Sung-Young looked at the window and thought..

I hope no one gets hurts during this mission..

Meanwhile Jade was meeting some of her friends in Jungjin's shopping mall. She felt little bit overwelmed what had happend earlier today..but still wanted to talk to her friends about it..

"What is it Jade? Why are you so under weather lately?"

"It's just I been having a trouble lately?"

"With coffee shop or with personal life..?"


Her friends looked her with sympathy and one of them asked..

"Is someone picking fight with you or is someone..troubling you?"

"New Powers New People" (Mun x Hana) (Sung-Young x Jade)Where stories live. Discover now