Chapter 4

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Coldsteel had returned to Brooklyn's cell, seeing he was still stone for the day, grinning while opening the cell to look him over. He moved a metal hand along his new body's belly.

"You still seem quite scrawny, little one. But I have more food for you when you wake..." he taunted, right as the sun went down.

The skin cracking, eyes glowing, Brooklyn roaring while coming out of it, panting slightly after all that bad food he ate yesterday, still feeling like his pain from it was still there.

Brook turned about, jumping a little in surprise when seeing his nemesis too close. "Good evening," sneered Coldsteel, making Brooklyn gasp, backing away, but glaring.

"Stay back from me! Don't touch me!" He roared, still not wanting to give away signs of weakness, but Coldsteel could clearly see the deprived look in his eyes.

"I hope your stomach is ready for your next meal," Coldsteel said, a guard putting down a plate of more junk. Brooklyn held his stomach, feeling sick at seeing it. But he knew he couldn't argue at Coldsteel for not wanting to eat, slowly coming down while Coldsteel backed up to watch. Brooklyn shook while taking up the burger, mouth feeling yucky from not having water for days, and nothing but sugary drinks.

He gazed up at Coldsteel. "Can... I please have water? I won't last long if I don't have it," Brooklyn begged to his captor.

Coldsteel shook his head. "Since I don't care about you eating healthy, water is on the list of healthy stuff, so no. Now eat your food!" The elder gargoyle demanded in his forceful manner. Brooklyn frowned while gazing at his burger, swallowing before biting into it.

It was hard to eat this burger again, managing to finish all of it while his belly rumbled, taking up a cookie next and eating that one too. He knew Broadway wouldn't have approved of him being forced to eat junk food like this. Next, Brooklyn drank from the sweet juice drink, missing the fresh taste of pure water, trembling all over from his sugar intake. Coldsteel laughed from the sight. "Feeling a little shaky, are we?"

Brooklyn shook his head. "N-no," he gasped, eating his third burger now, sweating from the challenge. He knew he was gonna be avoiding burgers and all that other stuff should he be saved, if his clan found out he was missing that is...

Hudson will tell them, I know he will, Brooklyn argued quietly with himself, finishing the last of the drink and fries, giving a few small burps, covering his beak. He tensed when Coldsteel's cold sharp metal talons stroked his hair.

"Such a good boy. More food for you later before we eventually do some tests to ensure my future body is in good shape for me." Coldsteel claimed, the guards taking the food and soon they left Brooklyn alone again.

It had only been about a week, but Brooklyn was slowly feeling drained and weak muscled from having not been gliding for that long. A stray tear leaked down his face, still feeling very foolish from trying to go after Iago. Now, here he was stuck in a cramped cell and eating too much unhealthy food. He longed for a fresh piece of a chicken leg or a salad. Brook licked his lips from the thought and wanted a big mug of ice water.

Such thoughts made him shake, holding his legs, the chain around his foot rattling. Where was his clan when he needed them? He had to get out of here!


Coldsteel knew he couldn't wait any longer to test his future body on certain elements, wanting to do something now. He knew that this abandoned lab had a freezer, something he could test Brooklyn on. His body had to survive in extreme temperatures after all.

The cyborg grinned darkly, returning to the cell where he saw Brooklyn looking rather downcast until he heard the footfalls, jerking up and growling. "No food just yet, small one. But I wish to take you to someplace special," he purred, a hand on the bars that didn't zap him. Brooklyn folded his arms.

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