Chapter 16

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They flew for another hour or so, Brooklyn having passed out from the drugs in his system that continued to give him fever dreams. Coldstone did his best to ensure Brooklyn wouldn't fall out of his arms, anxious to get him home to heal.

The couple managed to pass the East River, and had by now gone over the Brooklyn Bridge, seeing the sights of the city from afar.

Coldfire studied Brooklyn's body too while flying, seeing how over bloated his belly was, and his face battered up, a sad frown on it spelling submission. She felt angry at her brother for doing this to such a young one.

"The clan had better accept Brooklyn back," Coldstone then said, recalling at how avoiding some of the others had been since that day. Coldfire put a hand on Brooklyn's arm, the young fledgling teen squirming lightly, moaning.

"I know they will, my Love." She said gently. "He really needs a lot of love and care now."

Soon, the couple could see the lights of the Eyrie Building in the distance at last in some relief for they only had about two hours left for sunrise. They sped up as much as possible but not to hurt Brooklyn either. He was still letting loose small whines from his trauma, Coldfire eager to see him safe among his family.

Elisa and Goliath had both been waiting, telling the others to remain inside for now since they decided to halt patrols until Brooklyn was home again. She suddenly looked up when hearing the sound of a jetpack.

"I believe that is Coldstone with Brooklyn," the detective said in worry, pointing upward at the sight of the gargoyle cyborgs coming their way.

Goliath's veins flooded over with worry for his Second, hoping he wasn't too badly injured, but his eyes would soon see what he wouldn't be able to unsee for a while.

Coldstone at last landed, still holding Brooklyn, giving a firm look to Goliath. "We're back, Brother. Your Second is home." He said, Elisa breathing a sigh of relief but saw how awful the young male looked. His body size wasn't the same as before; a tad rounder and looking pretty clammy.

"What has happened to him?" Goliath asked in concern.

"Our brother likely beat him up. He looks like he had his confidence whipped out of him." Coldfire declared sadly.

"He also looks like he's gained some weight while he was with him." Elisa noticed.

"We'll focus on that later. Let's get him to the infirmary." Goliath declared. He took Brooklyn out of Coldstone's arms and hurriedly took him to the medical ward. "Elisa, go call the doctor." He ordered.

"Will do." Elisa replied and hurried out the door.

Elisa called Dr. Sato and told him that Brooklyn had been found and he needed to come right away, that Brooklyn was injured. He said he would come.

Goliath passed by the others on the way to the infirmary. The others were shocked at what their red clan mate looked like upon his return.

"Brooklyn?" Angela gasped.

"What happened to him?" Broadway asked curiously but in concern too.

"We don't know right now. He's just unconscious." Goliath replied to them. "Right now, we must wait on the doctor to get here. I'm taking him in now."

Lex noticed that Brooklyn was fatter in the belly, but his face was badly bruised. They didn't have a clue as to what happened until Brooklyn told them what happened to him.

They hoped that Brooklyn would be able to tell them what happened when he woke up.


Dr. Sato soon arrived along with Elisa at the infirmary. The rest of the clan was left waiting in the waiting area. They walked through the doors to go see the patient. Coldfire also came with them because they might likely need a female gargoyle in there to comfort Brooklyn too.

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