The Interrogation

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Sorry for the delay, as the internet at home had been cut off before I could post the chapter here. But I hope you like it and can forgive me for the unexpected.

Back at Bowsette Castle, Luigi was lying the bed, not knowing what to do or how to escape. After finishing eating and the same guard returning and leaving, he tried to leave through the door, but apparently it was locked from the outside. And the bedroom didn't even have a window there to try to escape.

He sighed once more, until the door opened abruptly, making him jump under the bed. - "The queen requested her presence, human." - said one of the two Koopa guards, in a serious and direct tone.

Scared and confused, he just sat on the bed and watched them for a few moments. The mention of Bowsette gave him goosebumps, even more so after the tug on his mustache she gave him last time. Not wanting to upset her again, the poor green plumber just sighed and got up from the bed.

He walked towards the two guards and followed them down the halls to another door. As soon as he entered, the guards closed it from behind, catching him by surprise again.

As he looked around the room, he noticed that the room was lit with flames on iron structures. In the center of the room, there were two seats larger and smaller, which he deduced was for the queen of those beings from this strange world. As soon as he deduced this, he heard another voice.

"You're finally here, Luigi. Would you like to sit down?"

As he approached, he came across Bowsette again, sitting in the said larger seat. She had just watched him for a few moments, before gesturing for him to sit on the smaller seat in front of her. Afraid of angering her again, Luigi quickly turned around and sat down on the seat, while watching her back with nervousness in his gaze.

A tense silence surrounded the entire room, until Bowsette broke the silence. - "So, do you finally want to tell me more about your brother Mario?" - as he watched her pour a drink from a bottle into a glass, the green plumber found himself nervous as he thought about what to say.

"W-well, how can I say, he's a very nice guy, brave, determined, but very reckless too. He doesn't think twice when it comes to protecting me. But why do you want to know so much about him?"

After taking a sip from her cup, the queen of the Koopas snorted and replied; - "Well, as I said before, he is training with my rival. She thinks that a small and weak human like him might be able to face me. I hope you don't take offense to that."

Luigi was tempted to say something for his brother, but the fact that he was still very afraid of her stopped him from doing so. But he also noticed that whenever Bowsette talked about this princess, she referred to her as her rival or her faker. What kind of grudge do the two of them have with each other?

"Eh,... it's bad to ask me, but... what do you have against this princess? If you don't mind answering me... " - he asked, slowly and calmly. He was afraid that this question would anger her and attack him.

Although it looked like she was going to explode in anger, Bowsette took a deep breath and looked to the side, while responding with disdain. - "Hunf, I don't see why I should tell you. It's not like you would understand my reasons and everything."

Feeling uncomfortable with that situation, Luigi decided to change the subject a little. - "So... can you tell me how you're different from the others in this place? Like, you seem different from the other beings I've seen here."

That question surprised the queen of Koopas, as no one else had asked about her or her past. Although it wasn't part of her plan, she thought that venting a little might help the human become more comfortable revealing more details about his brother.

"Actually, I don't remember how I was born or how I ended up here. But I remember being found by some Koopas. Although, they said I was different from them, they took me in and took care of me like one of their own. And just the same At that time, the rulers adopted me as family, and in the end, they crowned me queen of the Dark Lands."

After vaguely recalling her memory, Bowsette sighed, before her smile faded and she continued. - "But during all these years, I began to notice that many people began to compare me with a princess, who they said we were very similar to. And when I found out who she was, I swore to myself that there would only be one of us in this world!"

Realizing she had said too much, Bowsette didn't know how to react and feared that the small human in front of her would begin to judge and put her down. But to her surprise, the human just watched her in shock and without knowing what to say.

Luigi looked away, as he thought carefully about what to answer. After closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, the green plumber looked back at her, and then commented. - "Wow, I never thought you felt that way. In fact, I understand what it's like to be compared to others. People often compared me a lot to my older brother, especially since we're practically twins."

Upon seeing the human's slightly depressed expression, Bowsette found herself surprised by this. Someone who understood how she felt, even though he was an insignificant being in front of her.

But before she could say anything else, out of nowhere a Koopa general with a blue, winged and spiked shell suddenly entered the room, taking the queen of Koopas by surprise.

"What?!" - Bowsette questioned, irritated and confused. After rising from his bow, General Koopa announced. - "We have found the princess and the mustachioed human. He has defeated Donkey Kong and won the Kong army."

At this news, Bowsette quickly stood up from her seat in shock. - "What do you mean, he beat the Kong army?!" - "Wait! M-my brother did what?!" - upon hearing the human's voice, she had to think very quickly. - "KAMEK!!"

He teleported there, upon hearing being called. - "Yes dame?" - "Take the human back to the bedroom, this instant!" - she ordered, smiling nervously. Even though he was confused, Kamek immediately pointed his wand at Luigi, making him disappear before saying anything.

With that, Bowsette's nervous expression was replaced with seriousness. - "Proceed, general." - after a nod, General Koopa continued. - "They are heading toward the secret passage, right now, your highness!"

Upon understanding Princess Peach's next move in an attempt to stop her, Bowsette smiled mischievously and muttered. - "Oh, they think they can surprise me, huh? Two can play at that game."

It was difficult, but I managed to write what I could. But unfortunately, I don't have good news; yesterday I went to the doctor and my exam showed that my degree and astigmatism has increased, so I will have to reduce the use of electronics for a long time. This means I will only have to use the computer once a week. I hope you can understand.

But even though I can only write once a week, I will still be able to read the comments and your ideas on my phone. Wait for me and wish me all the best in my recovery. See you soon ;)

If Bowsette Was In The Super Mario Bros. MovieWhere stories live. Discover now