Chapter 28 - Forever Is Temporary

Start from the beginning

It was a while of sitting and contemplating everything that had happened until my alarm finally went off and I started to get ready for school.

"See you later, Lyss," Leon said when we arrived and went off to find his friends.

I turned and started to head towards the cafeteria and almost ran into Savannah.

"Hey, Sav," I waved.

She pushed past me and kept walking.

That was... strange, I thought to myself but I supposed she might just be in a rush.

Even so, I picked up my pace wondering if Mabel and Penny knew anything about it. However, when I arrived it was just Penny and Marigold sitting at our table.

"Morning, Lyss," Marigold greeted me as I sat down.

"Morning, have you guys seen Sav? Is she okay?"

The two girls shared a look.

"No," Penny said slowly, "we haven't seen her or Tanya this morning."

I sighed, "it's probably nothing. She just walked past me and didn't say hello. Where's Mabel?"

"Probably late, I tried texting her a bunch but nothing."

I winced hoping that I wasn't the cause of her being late because something happened to Kei.

He wouldn't have told her, right? My thoughts whispered.

If he wanted sympathy, Mabel was the last person he should consider. Sure she could be sweet but her comfort only went so far. She was much better at making someone laugh than letting them cry on her shoulder.

I sent Mabel a quick message and then we made our way to class.

By the end of roll call, I had my phone confiscated because of how often I was checking it. I wasn't sure if I should text Kei too or just leave it. Give him the space he asked for.

My teacher handed me back my phone so I could go to my first class but didn't forget to lecture me on how I need to put my phone away and kids these days don't understand proper manners.

My next class was the class I had with Robin. But ever since he kissed me he had been pretending I didn't exist, though I always caught the flick of his eyes darting at me.

It wouldn't have been obvious to anyone else, but I had this hyper-awareness that had been making sure I suffered immensely.

And it was working.

Kei's words flowed through my ears.

Do you love me, Alyssa?

Such a simple question. It could've been so beautiful with just a change of the tone and perhaps I would've melted while shouting with a smile, "yes! I do love you!"

Our love was supposed to be so perfect, so raw. It was supposed to take me on highs I'd never experienced and I'd never reach with anyone else.

It made me wonder... did I actually know what love even was? Or was I living in some sort of delusion that love was the glue to my life?

Maybe I didn't know.

The bell rang and I met up with Penny. Mabel was still nowhere to be found and our texts were unanswered.

"Let's try and find Sav and Tanya, maybe they'll know," Penny suggested and we started to walk around the school.

It was a while before we even considered walking to the back oval where the football team and other athletes liked to play during the breaks.

And there, on the bleachers Mabel, Savannah and Tanya. My fears caused the thumping in my heart to speed up and I breathed in, unsure what I was about to face.

Tanya spotted us first and tapped on the girl's shoulder to let them know we were arriving. None of them were looking at Penny, just me.

I glanced out to the oval, Matt was watching us from afar. I wasn't sure where Kei was. Right now, he was the second last person I wanted to see.

The first was too busy playing football than to share his best friend's concern about what was happening by the bleachers.

"Uh, Mabel, can we talk?" I stumbled over my words.

Her nostrils flared but folded her arms and waited.

"Privately?" I added in a small voice.

She huffed and stood up, the three of us walking onto the grass, away from Savannah and Tanya. I took in a deep breath trying to find the right words.

But Mabel was much quicker than I.

"What the actual hell is wrong with you, Alyssa?"

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