| The Store and the Cake |

Start from the beginning

"What do you need here, anyway?" Sherlock asks, perusing the biscuits himself as they pass.

Lily pulls her list out of her pocket. "Jam, milk, bread, flour, brown sugar, butter, pasta sauce, spaghetti noodles, and cheese. I think that's everything."

"Some of those sound more important than the others."

Lily laughs. "What do you need?"

"A case."

"And you think you'll find one here?"

"One can only hope."

Lily picks up some biscuits that weren't actually on her list, then continues on, looking for the baking aisle. They pass boxes of mixes until they get to the flour and sugar. Lily grabs the kind she normally uses, then turns back to Sherlock, who's holding a box of chocolate cake mix. "What've you got that for?" she asks.

"It looks good."

"Are you hungry?"

"Maybe a little bit."

Lily chuckles, takes the box, then puts it back on the shelf. "Well, if we're making a chocolate cake, we're making it from scratch." Her mind goes over her grandmother's recipe for the chocolate cake Liam requested every year for his birthday. "I think I need more cocoa powder and confectioner's sugar. Just in case." Sherlocks grabs both and puts them in the trolley, then heading off to find the other things she needs. He goes for the dairy aisle first, his long legs and her pushing the trolley putting considerable distance between them.

"Hold on!" Lily says, laughing.

They quickly get what she needs, Sherlock not even bothering to look when Lily stops to look at something she doesn't need. He just takes the trolley and keeps on going. Lily looks after him, but she still can't decide if she wants these crisps or not. Her snack didn't do much to curb her appetite.

Ultimately, she decides to go to Speedy's instead when they get back to the flat; she hasn't been in a while. When she finally finds Sherlock, he's at the chip and pin machine, groceries bagged, paying.

"Sherlock!" Lily exclaims, pulling out her wallet, though it's too late.

"What?" he asks, putting his card away.

"Why did you pay for that? They were my groceries."

He grabs the bags and starts taking them outside, forcing her to follow. "But it will be my chocolate cake, right?"

She chuckles a bit as she hails a cab. "I suppose so."

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Sherlock protested to the idea of going to Speedy's, wanting cake, but Lily insisted she was hungry and cake was not a good meal — and it would take too long to make for her to wait. "Besides," she said, "it's not like you have a case right now." He mumbled in response.

Speedy smiled when Lily entered, and she smiled back. "Hello."

"Hello, Lily!" he said. "Haven't seen you in a while. I thought you'd moved out already."

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