Alana's Awakening + A Master?

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Last week I started sparing with other benders from their tribe and I have become a true master water bender. I had just finished my last spar so I said bye to Master Pakku and everyone else then went to meet up with Yue, because I decided to tell her my secret.

"Omg heyy, where are you going?"

"My father wants to meet with me in town probably so he can plan my wedding."

"Omg I hate how much your father wants that to happen but right now I have to tell you something really important"

"What it is"

"you might want to sit down, it is really big"

"if you say so Alana"

Yue sat down and I started pacing and then she just yelled at me and told me to hurry up.

"There is another avatar. I know who the other Avatar is because we grew up together and he betrayed me when I needed him the most.

"Omg Alana, thats horrible but now really I have to go, we can talk about it later"

"Okay Can I come with, I don't want to be alone"

"Yes you can come I'm sure my dad won't mind"

"Thanks, just let me grab my new clothes, you gave me, thanks by the way they are so soft and they cover all my tattoos"

"okay your welcome lets go"

(Outfit but with the hood up covering Tattoos and black gloves. Btw not my art)

Time Skip in the boat on the way there

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Time Skip in the boat on the way there

"Yue, there is buzz all over the village, apparently the avatar is here, I think that means i'm going to have to see him again"

"Oh wow, but anyway you never told me why you don't like the avatar, I mean you said you grew up together, what happened?"

"Long story"

I kept my hood up and sat beside Yue and the Guard kept us going. He went right passed us with two other people I've never seen before, Yue looked smitten with the other boy Aang was with because they had made eye contact.

Time had passed and it was almost dinner time, Yue was getting ready for her birthday dinner and now the arrival of those people with Aang. I was getting nervous just thinking of talking to him again. Yue let me borrow one of her winter dress outfits because as Master Pakku's student I also had to preform for her birthday. I had put the hood on over my head so no one could see my face and We walked in as her father started to talk so we sat down to listen, but I had to walk farther past Aang to see Master Pakku. And he just finished telling me what we were doing.

That girl seems very familiar but I just can't put my finger on it, oh gotta listen now. Aang thought.

"Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister of the southern water tribe. And they have brought with them someone very special....

"Yeah,sooo special" I thought to myself annoyed and angry

"someone who many of us thought disappeared from the world until now. The Avatar."

*Everyone clapped and I just sat there*

"And we also celebrate my daughters 16th birthday. Princess Yue is now of marrying age."

He said as I seen the water tribe boy staring at Yue. Then Yue had to make her little speech as I just sat there.

"Thank you father and may the great, water and moon spirits look over us during these troubling times."

"And now Master Pakku and his student will preform."

We started with some easy water bending forms and then started moving the water very fast making cool shapes as I was keeping my head down. We moved with the water as if we were one and everyone clapped for us but they had not seen the finale yet. We finshed with a sculpture of Princess Yue and her father. I went to go sit down but the water tribe boy was sitting there trying to talk to so I was going to see Master Pakku but he was talking with Aang and Yue's father so I just Decided to go to bed. I couldn't deal talking to Aang, because even though I hated him for breaking our promise, my old crush feelings were coming back and I hated it. So I wen't to sleep.

The Girl of Legends - Aang x OCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum