16} Don't Tell Him (NSFW) ⚠️

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[Zelos's pov]

I got earlier home today, still feeling the lingering adrenaline I got from the acrobatics performance. I kept thinking about how I fought Siony and beat him, it was satisfying and it seemed to soothe my nerves.

I actually ate more than a few bites for dinner today without Lucia forcing it down my throat and I'm not as tired. Something new and different has just happened to my life convincing me it's worth hanging on to for another day. I beat someone in a fight that I thought I couldn't beat. I beat Siony.

After I ate I changed into a pair of short black pants and a white T shirt, I played some guitar, then I finally laid down.

I rolled over in my bed, grinning and feeling accomplished. Today wasn't so bad.

*ding!* the phone Siony gave me buzzed on my nightstand. I forgot I still had it, the project we have is over so I should return it to him tomorrow.

I picked the phone up and ignored the notification, opening a video game I play a lot and started tapping. I couldn't sleep, so why not put the phone to good use the last day I'll have it?

I stayed up for hours gaming. I didn't notice how late it was until I glanced at my clock, 11 pm. I roller over onto my back and closed my eyes, giving them a rest.

Besides the game, I couldn't stop thinking about what Siony did today. I bunched up my blanket and squeezed it in my arms, clinging onto it with my body.

I felt my heart do that weird thing again...thinking about his hand on my neck. He was barely wearing anything, I was barely wearing anything. This is so so sinful. I remember Siony whispering to me, taking off his shirt, his bare back... And that picture of him on Instagram.

It's not like I have a fucking crush on him, I would never date him if he was the last guy on this planet. He's hard headed, stubborn, and fucking naive. He would be a pain in the ass...but he's hot and that's it. That is the only thing I like about him.

Oh what am I doing, what am I doing. On impulse I grabbed the phone and opened the app, clicking on Siony's page and found that picture he posted of him without a shirt.

I still had that picture hearted, I never unliked it. I don't plan on unliking it now though anyways.

I stared at it like my eyes would fall off but I didn't allow myself to have any more reaction to it. This was wrong...I can't be looking at him like that, fuck. Siony is the worst person to have the hots for. But I can't fucking help it, it's too late.

An unholy image flashed in my mind that made me think of the ways Siony's voice would sound and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I gasped softly, putting my hand on my thigh as if searching for something.

My hand was awfully close to my crotch and I felt myself getting slightly hard. "Fuck..." I shivered and put the phone down, trying to stop thinking about it but I couldn't.

"Ah..." my voice came out. I didn't even notice I was grinding myself against the blanket. I put my hand on my neck, digging my nails a bit into my skin, imagining it was his hand and I lifted my shirt then started to circle one of my nipples with my fingers.

My breathing increased in speed and I felt my body getting hot. My hand left my neck and I slid it under my shorts, feeling how hard my dick was and how it was pushing against the fabric of my clothes.

"Hnn-mph~....uhn~..." I moaned quietly burying my face in the blanket as I stroked myself slowly, teasing it. "Mmm~..." I bit my lip, trying to keep my voice in.

"Ah...fuck...fuck" my hand went faster and faster and my voice was out of breath. I couldn't control myself, it felt so fucking good.

I don't really have a sex drive and I masturbate every other week but ist turned me on even more knowing that I was touching myself while thinking about someone I know, and he'll never find out. I'm such a slut.

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