Chapter 12- The chat

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Jacqueline spent the rest of the day with Jack and I lock myself up in the room.
I did paint.
This time I drew a was beautiful as I had went to the garden to get one. I have to admit the house has a beautiful garden.
I managed to put the sunflower in water and go take a bath. When I had finished it was 6 in the evening.
I rush to go unlock the door and hid my body under the duvet waiting for the maid to come call me for supper.
Almost immediately I hear the knock I was waiting for.
I say a faint come in and begin to fake shiver.
"Oh dear" she says worriedly.
I do not want to go have dinner with everyone. Not now at least.
"Sorry. Seems you'll be unable to join them down. I'll bring you your food" she says stucking a hair behind my ear.
"Please le- let Jac- Jacqueline do- do it" I managed to say.
"As you wish dear" she caresses my forehead and leaves.
I wait a Little....till her footsteps completely fade away before dropping the act.
It was so simple.
I sit with the phone in my hand, pressing buttons and trying to figure it out slowly. It wasn't bad.
I hear footsteps approaching and immediately went back into acting mode, switching the phone off and hiding it beneath the pillow.
Jacqueline then walks in with a tray of food with a worried look.
I drop the act and rush to lock the door.
She sighs.
"So you are fine?" She asks dropping the tray on my bed and sitting.
"Of course. Just didn't want to join you guys downstairs" I confess.
"I understand. Dad didn't even join us today" she informs me.
"Mhm okay" I say and take the tray stuffing my mouth.
I burry my hands beneath the pillow and brought out the phone I was using a while ago.
"How's Jack?" I question.
"His ego will get the most of him. He doesn't want to talk to anyone. Not even me. I've left him. He'll come around" she shrugs. I just nod.
It's up to him.
"Can you help me with this?" I ask holding the phone up.
"Yh sure but honestly where have you been living? Last time I checked your family is number 4 on the billionaire chat " I shrug. I didn't even know that.
She begins to show me how to use it. She creates an account for me and I'm now on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and a whole lot of apps. I think I like Instagram the most. She made me follow some of those she follows and showed me some hot guys she was simping over. She's downloads snap and teaches me how to use it too. We took some few pictures and laughed about it. It's nice.
After sometime I felt she's done enough so I thank her and let her know we should continue later, it was pretty late too. She admitted and left to her room.

She leaves and a minute later after I had switched of the lights in my room and was ready to sleep the phone rings.
I check only to see some familiar numbers.
I'm contemplating...
The person calls the second time and I pick.
"Mr. Gonzalo" I greet.
"Manuel. Call me Manuel please" his thick accent comes through. I nod only to remember he's not there to see me nod so I say "okay"
"So where you able to handle the gunshot wound?" He enquires.
His voice his really deep and calm.
" Yes. It was Jack"
"Yeah. His father, Ceaser shot him in the leg and he refuses to tell us why" I tell him.
"His own father?"
No one seems to understand this man.
"Did he go to the hospital after?"
"No. His dad won't allow it till he apparently does want he wants him to do"
"This man....well then you guys should make sure that no soap, strong cream, alcohol or anything gets into it. It may damage tissues"
" Noted. Thank you Dr. Gonzalo"
"Manuel" he corrects.
"Sorry Manuel"
Felt weird but weirdly comfortable.
"So how are you doing?" He asks and I wonder if he's asking because he cares.
No one has really asked me that. They never ever cared.
I decide to be honest.
"Are you asking because you care or so you look caring?"
There is silence.
I hear him sigh before his voice comes through.
"When I first saw you my mind went back. Everything was in your eyes and those eyes were similar to that of my sister. The pain and hatred. She just didn't hate those who caused her pain but hated the world. I told her "Mimi let's leave it to be"
She would say "Are you crazy?" And you know, that hatred consumed her and though I save many people, I couldn't save my own sister."
"So you want to make sure that, I don't get consumed by my hatred?" I ask. It seems that's what he's trying to say.
"I want you to do what you are to do or you'll get consumed by hatred. It's going to get into your head and you can't stop it. Instead of doing harm to yourself do it to those who harm you. That's what my sister wanted. Revenge. But I wanted to be a good guy. To let it be."
I get it.
"Are you still a good guy?" He uses 'wanted' - that's the past. So is he still the good boy he wanted to be.
"I am. But not entirely when I want revenge now" he confesses.
"Revenge for who? And why is it Ceaser?" I'm now curious.
"Star. It's late you should sleep" he suggests.
"I'm not sleepy" he's avoiding the question.
"You have to rest okay"
I wanted this conversation or should I say I already like the sound of his voice, so I say "can you call again tomorrow?"
"Of course. Now have a goodnight"

"Good night"


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