Chapter 2 - Planning Bethrotal

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Just before she could jump, a hand pulled her down.
Looking at the face of the person, she wished she had jumped earlier and not be caught.
"ARE YOU MADD?!!" her father asks angrily
"Of course you are" he laughs so wickedly.
She got slapped on her left cheek and before she could register it she got slapped on the right too back to the left again.
"You think killing yourself will bring my wife you killed back?huh"
He asks punching her.
She coughed blood but he didn't care.
He never cared.
He kept punching her, kicking her till she passed out on the cold balcony floor.
He cursed every word in the dictionary at her before leaving her... not caring if she's even dead. She wanted to die so atleast he thinks he did her a favor.


Later, that day he got a big proposal. One that he has been waiting for all his life.
He was finally going to join hands with a leading diamond company so he can finally get diamonds.
Mr. Davis who is Star's father always wanted to deal in diamonds rather than only gold. Diamonds are more expensive than gold and he knew he was going to make billions of dollars through it.
He called his elder son and second son.. Neymar and Luca because they were more involved the his business.
They all read through the documents –the requirements and everything in the contract.
"No" Neymar said.
"Are you mad?" Luca asks pissed.
"Watch your tone. Are you guys that cruel?" Neymar asks throwing the documents on his father's desk rising up seeming very mad at this.
"She has been useless all this time, for once she'll be useful" Dad says standing up to meet his son's gaze.
"There's no way in hell I'm allowing you illegally marry a 16 year old girl to a 59 old man. Infact dad aren't you 46?" Neymar asks.
"This is cruelty!!" He says.
"Hey hey bro. Don't act like you've ever been nice or cared about her" Luca says folding his arm in his chair.
"I do care about her. Very much" Neymar says every world so clearly which some how took both dad and son by surprise.
"You care about who...? A girl that killed your mum?!!" His dad shouts and the veins in his neck could be seen as he pushes objects on the desk onto the floor.
Still Luca just smiles.
"She didn't kill anyone!! And I'm not allowing you forge her age and let her marry anyone!" Neymar speaks clearly protecting his little sisters future.
Who knew he cared.
"Ha...I guess get ready for Luca to be the next CEO.
This took Neymar by surprise because he worked his ass of so hard for the company knowing he'll be in charge one day.
"You're kidding me right?" Neymar asks unbelievably.
"I'm dead serious son."
"Sure. Let Luca be the heir but I won't allow this marriage" Neymar states about to leave his dad's office.
"Lara is pregnant. Right now she's in the comfort of her home" it stopped him.
Lara was his fiance. The love of his life...he had no idea why his dad brought her into this but he clearly had a motive when he showed her a picture of her which doesn't seem to be taken long ago... like few minutes ago.
"I knew from the way you sometimes defended her that you may be like this to the news. I won't let you ruin something I've always wanted. She's surrounded by my men and even if I don't allow them kill her...." He dropped a stack of documents on his desk.
Neymar immediately went for it and scanned through quickly. His eyes almost fell out.
"Dad this her past. She  stopped and besides it wasn't her will to do it " Neymar tries to defend.
In the documents were all evidence relating to the drug trafficking activities Lara used to be involved in. It's a long story but that was how Lara used to survive till Neymar came to her rescue. He can't believe his dad is using this against him.
"What should I do?" Neymar asks in a flat voice with defeat when his dad said nothing clearly letting his son know he's serious.
"I step down as CEO of Jewel city company. You're now in charge and I need your signature on all these documents here and even on your sister's marriage documents "
Luca immediately rose to his feet.
Of course, the father knew the most competent and reliable of his son's was Neymar. He knew how reckless Luca can be and how he uses his money lavishly at times. He wasn't going to risk it and he had the upper hand to pin his own son down.


Meanwhile Grayson discovered star passed out on the balcony floor in the process of going to give her more paints for her drawings.
He was scared of calling anyone because if the dad get to know he is going to get punished as always and Luca and Mateo always snitches.
He cried as he he took care of his sister's wounds and scars that has opened again.
He did his best giving her first aid.
He felt so bad for his sister but it's hurt more knowing he couldn't do anything about it.
He took care of her and managed to inject her with some medicines though she was still unconscious.
Though he was into music he's also a surgeon in the making so he knows what he's doing.
He sneaked out of the room and joined the rest downstairs ready to go to their mum's grave for their annual ritual. None of them told Gray of Star's marriage but when they return from their mum's grave Grayson knew something was off.
Dad immediately called the family doctor home to check up on her.

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