Chapter 7- Sadly Happy

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It's been a week.
I haven't spoken to a damn soul in the house.
I lock myself up in my room and go eat with everyone when it's time to eat.
I don't say a word.
Neither has anyone spoken to me.
But I'm not bullied here.
I rather have all the time to draw and I've drawn a lot of things Just this week.
Digging into my brains and bringing what I got inside into life.
I hardly thought about home.
For once I felt content.
I heard a knock on the door.
Thinking it was the maid, I was about to say ' I'm coming ' till Ceaser walked in.
I froze.
For a reason fear gripped me.
"Relax" he chuckled when he noticed my fear.
"Just came to check on my wife" he neared me.
I swallowed.
He run his knuckles over my face and I shivered.
"What school did you attend?"
I shook my head unable to speak.
"Words" he growled.
"Sorry. I murmured.
"I us-ed  t- to go to Aim H- high Intern-at-ion-al  t--ill till 5th g-rade" his eyes widens.
"I've never heard you speak since you arrived and now I get to know you stammer."
I shook my head again.
"Words!" He shouted this time and I gasped.
He chuckled.
"Do you know school is not for girls?"
Another idiot.
I was surprised at what I said in my head myself.
"Even my own daughter didn't go to school" he laughed.
"She has never stepped in a classroom before but she still speaks good English. Because her mum thought her.
That's all what is needed"
He said more like to himself.
I said nothing.
If that's what he thinks.
"You're lucky to even step in a class room" he looked at me.
"Good for you"
He gave me a phone.... One I didn't notice he was holding before.
"At least you can have this"
He laughed as he approached the door.
"But I'll be back tonight. No clothes on"
My eyes widen at the last statement just as he left.
I should have known this was going to happen.
But I didn't shed tears any longer.
I had to get use to this.
I looked at the box of the phone he gave me.
' iPhone 14'
But I had no idea how to use it so I just threw it into the drawer next to me and fetched my sketch book.
This what I love.
This time a murder picture drew it self into my head and it transfered to my fingers.
It took me a few minutes to realize what I had drawn.
It was a girl laying in a grass.
She had a knife stucked into her chest. She clutched unto it for dear life as she opens her mouth for air.
The drawing captivated me and I immediately took a mini canvas and began to transfer the drawing.
Adding more life with colours.
It took me some few hours to finish, with paint stuck in my clothes and hair but I smiled.
It was magnificent.
The scarlet color of the girl's blood stained the bright green grass under the orange setting sun whiles her pale skin became more pale as life dripped away from her.
It was a sad but bright and a beautiful art.
I turned the drawing to face the wall at the corner of the huge room to make it dry before hiding it.
I locked my door and run into the shower to wash everything off.
I was so content but the though creep into my head again and I went out for a razor.
It helped me take a sane shower and I smiled as the water washed the pain away.
I hopped into a sweat pants and a big t-shirt written on the front 'Rule the world'.
I looked in the mirror and noticed I've grown big.
I looked nourished than ever and my hair has grown longer but it's very curly so you can't see the actual height.
I combed my hair with my fingers and decided to let it be, using two pins to hold the side.
I decided to go round the house today.
At 4:30 exactly the maid will be here to call me for supper.
She was the only maid that wore a different uniform.
She wore black trousers with a white shirt. Whiles the others whore the prostitute uniform.
It was 3:46.
I had time.
I unlocked the door and went out.
I went to the kitchen first to get something.
There were a lot of maids in the kitchen... doing what they were supposed to do.
They gave me glances.
I ignored.
I watched one cut vegetables so fast I thought she would chop her fingers off but she didn't. Wow.
I located the maid that comes to call me stiring something on the fire.
"Hey" I greeted.
She looked surprised to see me. I know.
This the first time I had come out of my room when it's not dinner time.
"What's the matter Mrs." She looked anxious.
"Nothing. I just want something sweet" I said.
I then realized how beautiful she was.
So pretty with her black hair, cute nose and plump lips.
She was curvy too.
"You could have called any of the maids or me" she said with a smile.
She's probably in her early 20s.
"I wanted to stretch my legs"
She smiled and nodded.
She glanced at the maid chopping the vegetables and frowned.
"Nella! Is that how I told you chop the carrots. It too big!"She shouted annoyed.
She lepts towards Nella, threw the carrot she had chopped away and recut a few for her.
"Chop it exactly like this" she stated authoritatively.
"But wait-" She ate one carrot.
She frowned.
"Who bought these carrots?."
A maid raised her hand.
"These carrots are far from fresh!!" She shouted and tossed them away.
"The consequences, go buy new carrots with your own money. We don't have time." The maid immediately run out of the kitchen.
"Keiza! SLICE THE MEAT! YOU'RE SAWING IT!" she screamed.
She looked at me and smiled before heading to the fridge.
"Sorry about that. This an Oreo ice cream I made myself." I nodded and took it.
Was she the head chef here or something.
"All of you listen, you know why I'm doing this. We can't have our King's guest be unpleased" Everyone nodded.
I tasted the ice cream as she tasted whatever on fire.
"Too much garlic" she murmured and poured it into the sink.
"New stew"she shouted and a maid rushed bringing her new stuffs for a new stew.
Did she just waste the stew because the garlic was too much?
"Who is 'our King'?" I asked confused.
She was taken back before she smiled.
I think she likes smiling but she doesn't do that with the maids.
"I almost forgot you're new. Our king is your husband. Do not by any means call him by his first or last name unless you have a death wish."
I nodded.
I didn't know.
"Are you the head chef here or something?" I asked.
"Do you want to know about me?"
I nodded.
The maid who was sawing the meet according to the woman I don't know her name yet brought in a new set of sliced meat this time.
"Perfect!" She said and the maid breath out like she was holding her breath.
"Nafisa!" She called.
A girl wearing white Hijab.
She was also not in the prostitute uniform.
She was wearing a black trousers with a pink shirt alongside her apron ofcourse.
She appeared with a set of grilled fish and she said perfect again. 
"I know you can handle this meat!"
"Ofcourse Daniella. Not undercooked, not over cooked!" She smiled and took the meat away to wherever she had to in the big kitchen.
Daniella. I see.
She's the only one that didn't look scared of Daniella. It's like they were close.
"Oh, Mrs. You'll know another time. I'm busy right now"
I wanted to ask of the guest but decided against it.
She's really busy.
I headed out of the kitchen but returned when a new thought crossed my mind.
"Is our king or San around?"
The word was foreign to my tongue.
I'll have to ask Daniella if he was a real King or something.
"No. All his important men and most of his men are not around. He said he got an important meeting. Why?
"Nothing. What about any of his wife and children. The house look extra quite today"
"Tamara is gone to visit a friend. Jack and Jacqueline are in their rooms. Asher and Sandra are out,I don't know where" I nodded and run out of the kitchen.


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