Chapter 8- Broken Rule

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...And there's only one rule you dare not break. Don't ever step foot on the floor above you nor go to this mansion's basement unless you have a death wish"
The warning rang in my ear but I was curious.
I wanted to know what were in those two places but I had to choose one. Contemplating between the two I decided on going to the floor above me.
There was an elevator and I decided on that one.
When the elevator came to a stop I got a bit confused.
The corridor was clean and quite. Nothing was odd here.
I took my left but saw nothing.
I was about to turn when I saw whips and canes on the centre table in the mini hall.
Why are there whips and canes here?
There were guns too and here smelled of smoke -like someone has been smoking here.
There were a lot of doors I noticed and decided to open one. It was locked.
I smiled at that.
My hair pin could do. If you lived a life like mine you'll get to know some ways of escape.
I was once caught taking a glance at my dad's office.
He locked me in there for days and told me to find my own way out...he closed the windows and everything. That's when my hair pin came in need. Thanks to Gray who sneaked to the door, told me I could use my hair pin to unlock the door and thought me how.
I gasped when I opened the door.
There were a lot of kids.
A few my age and most of them less.
They were very skinny and they had sad faces.
They cried, looked malnourished and had red lines show casing the impact of the canes and whips.
I couldn't stand the view.
I opened two more doors and the views weren't any better.
What are they going to do with all these kids?
I heard some footsteps approaching.
I immediately locked the doors planning on leaving here without being caught.
The footsteps were nearer...I immediately hid behind a coach as they enter the mini hall. "Did you forget to switch of the light?" One man asked.
Damn that was me.
My heart was beating so damn fast.
I shut my eyes in fear.
"I did" I imagined a frown and suspicious look on their faces.
"It may be kilan. He said he was coming for his cig he left"
Another man walked in.
"Yo Kilan"
I wanted to puke.
I prayed they won't bring the light issue up again or they'll know someone is or was here.
"King wants us to select some endowed girls for his club but he said we should select the best to send over to his clients in Russia."
"Whooo I'm definitely having some young one to myself today" one said.
My palm was tightly on my mouth to prevent me from gasping at the news.
"Yo. Today boss is in a good mood and decided to give the kids food. We'll divide it into two again" They laughed.
"We'll do them a favor dividing it into two. We'll divide it again" they laughed out loud as if it was funny.
It's wickedness!
"By the way I left my phone when coming for the cig. I napped here a little though"

"Well check around for it. You slept in your fav Couch obviously search there" And I had a feeling it was the couch I was behind. I just had that feeling.



The light went out and darkness enveloped the place.
"Simon let go check it out"
"You guys ain't leaving me in the dark all alone. No way. We'll go together" they chuckled at their friend as they moved out.
As soon as they were out of earshot I stood up and located the staircase.
It was the safest option.
The whole house was dark and for once I thanked and loved the darkness.
I was in-between the third and second floor staircase when I bumped into someone.
I shivered.


The light was back.
It was Jacqueline. Damn
She frowned looking up observing where I'm coming from. She gasped."Did you-"
"Girls, you should be at the dinning table. It's time"
The maid told us.
We nodded "Sure"
"Please don't tell anyone" I begged undertone.
It was the only thing I could do as I clasped my hand together begging looking around to make sure no one was watching.
She looked at me with a weird look.
"Only on one condition"
Oh God please help me.
"I'll do anything"
"You tell me what you saw up there" she said in a lower tone than me.
I was surprised.
Was she also curious as me.
"Everyone is seated. You guys are being waited for" a different maid came to call us looking annoyed.
I immediately nodded to Jacqueline and we both rushed to the dinning table.

Truly everyone was seated and the table was laid.
My mouth watered.
The aroma of the foods took over the environment. They were different kinds of food as Daniella stood by the table right by king.
His eyes landed on me as I walked in.
Sweet Jesus help me.
I just get the chills whenever I see him.


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