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Kaden glared at John B who only shot him a sheepish smile in response. The two glanced at the apple which fell on the ground after having hit Kaden's forehead, neither of them making a move to pick it up.

"And since when do I cut shit for you?" Kaden asked, his lips pursed.

John B only raised a challenging brow at his question. "Since you started living in my house."

"Right," Kaden clicked his tongue, "of course."

John B wasn't sure how to feel at the obvious sarcasm in his tone. He watched as Kaden bent down and picked up the apple and smiled at him. "Good boy."

Kaden only rolled his eyes at his words before taking a bite from it. John B let out a dramatic gasp. "We were supposed to share it!"

"Why, are you low on apples?" Kaden tilted his head to the side, taking another bite from the fruit. His friend sighed loudly. "I just wanted to make you work a little."

"Work a little?" Kaden repeated, sounding baffled. "I just had my house burnt down and my brother is in the—"

"Precisely the point," John B cut him off, "this is me trying to get your mind off things. I'm trying to help."

"By making me play servant?"

"I'm not making you play ser—" John B shook his head, cutting his own sentence short yet again. "You know what? Let's go hang out at The Wreck."

"There's nothing interesting there."

"There's food," John B wiggled his brows, "and Kie. Can you name a better combination?" When Kaden part his lips, ready to give him a shit ton of answers, he quickly said, "that was a trick question. You can't."

"I can."

"Nope," John B shook his head. Then, as if someone flipped a switch, all traces of amusement disappeared from his face and seriousness filled his features. "Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Should I be scared?"

"Depends," John B shrugged, a hand going to his hair. He ran his fingers through the locks, suddenly looking nervous. "Do you. . ." He took a deep breath. "Are you and Kie—"

"No," Kaden interrupted, cutting the rest of his question short. He already knew where he was going with this. And he knew he was right when John B let out a loud relieved sigh. "But I should warn you though."

John B's ears perk up. "Huh?"

"Kie's not into you. Like, at all– so don't get your hopes up." Kaden was blunt. That was one of the things the pogues liked about him. But now, as John B looked at him, he couldn't help but wish he had sugarcoated the words that left his mouth to make it hurt less.

Instead, he pushed the words away and straightened up. "How do you know that?"

"I can tell," Kaden shrugged, biting into the apple. "She's big on the rule, you know that. No pogues on pogues fuckin' or whatever."

"Mackin'," John B corrected with a snicker.

"Yeah, that." He pointed a finger in his direction in acknowledgement as he began chewing. "Whatever, though. Find another girl."

"Sarah's hot," John B's words made Kaden choke on his apple. He quickly filled a glass of water and swallowed the whole thing as if his throat was on fire, all while ignoring the confused stare John B was sending him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he placed the now empty glass on the counter, clearing his throat. "Wrong tube. You were saying?"

"Sarah Cameron," John B clarified, a grin touching his lips. "She's hot, isn't she? Totally my type."

"You mean," Kaden shot him a look, "totally out of your league."

"No, I can get her." John B looked sure. Too sure. And Kaden didn't know why that didn't sit well with him. "She broke up with Topper, you know? She's available right now. A lot of guys our age are hitting on her– now, more than ever. Maybe I'll have a chance. I heard she has nothing against Pogues, and she also talked to me earlier today." 

"You talked to her?" Kaden let the words sink in. "When?"

"Last night," John B answered. "When she was done talking to you about I don't know what. She looked pretty down after whatever you two talked about, so I cheered her up."

Kaden swallowed. "Anything else?"

"Nope, that's pretty much it." John B shrugged, then something flashed in his eyes. "Wait, are you two a thing?"

"No," Kaden muttered, "of course not."

"Really?" John B raised his brows at his friends. "Because you two were being super friendly these past few days."

"It's because of Blake and Wheezie," he murmured, "I'm being civil."

"Sure," the teasing tone in John B's voice didn't go unnoticed. "I believe you. Hey, tell me if she's yours man. I'll back off."

Kaden shook his head, finishing his apple. "I gotta go to the hospital to check on Blake. I'll see you around."

John B pouted, "what about the Wreck? We were supposed to hang out there."

"After," Kaden grabbed his keys which was on the counter, a little bit away from them. He stared at it, confused about how it had gotten there. His jeep was still at the Cameron's. "How did. . ." He trailed off, looking at John B who realised what he meant to ask.

"Sarah dropped it this morning." He revealed, a smug smile playing at his lips. "She looked badass behind the wheels of your jeep."

"Alright," Kaden tried not to let the fact that nobody else but him has driven his jeep. He also didn't want to think about her behind the wheels of his vehicle, but he couldn't help it. A loud sigh got past his lips as he gathered his thoughts and tossed them away. It wasn't the time for that.

"I'm leaving. I'll see you at the Wreck." With that, he was out of the door.

𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 ━━ SARAH CAMERONHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin