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Kaden shot Rafe an incredulous look, his brows raised. "You're not serious."

"What—" Rafe swallowed, "yes, yes, I am. I need it."

"You still haven't paid me," Kaden pointed out, leaning against his Jeep. He was about to get in when the older Cameron had stopped him. "It has been over a week."

"I forgot," was Rafe came up with, "you didn't exactly remind me. Any other guy would've been breathing down my neck until they're paid."

Kaden clicked his tongue, "you're the least of my worries, Cameron. I don't have time to remind you of that, you're not a child. Until you've paid me for your previous stash, you're not getting any."

"No," Rafe's voice was hoarse, "please. I really need it—"

"You've got some nerve asking me for shit after that stunt you and your friends pulled the other day."

"I tried to tell them not to do it," Rafe muttered, a sigh leaving him, "but they didn't listen."

"Don't lie to me," Kaden gritted out, "I saw you hitting JJ." He turned around and opened the door to his jeep, a simple dismissive act making Rafe's shoulders sag.

Just as Kaden was about to leave, a thought crossed his mind. He looked back at Rafe, "if you really want it," he began making the guy look at him hopefully, looking ready to do just about anything. It was almost funny to Kaden how serious his addiction was. He knew he was playing with fire when he said, "disable all the cameras in the house."

"The c–cameras?" Rafe seemed taken aback, his eyes widening a little bit, "w– what?"

"The cameras," Kaden repeated, slowly, "disable them. By tomorrow, they should be disabled. Don't let anyone know. If you do, I will make sure nobody on this fucking planet ever sells you anything."

Rafe contemplated his answer, running the task over in his head again and again. He knew Kaden wasn't bluffing about that. Could he do that without Ward finding out ? He most definitely could. But what would he say if he got caught? And why did Kaden need all the cameras off? "What for? You don't plan to rob us, do you?"

"You think I would've told you to do that if that was my plan?" Kaden rolled his eyes, "don't be stupid, Rafe. Your dad has something of mine, I just want it back."

"But if you get caught—" Rafe seemed nervous and hesitant, "what are you going to do? Say I'm the one who disabled the cameras? You could ruin everything for me."

"Fine," Kaden waved him off, "don't do it. Don't ever come asking me for more because you aren't going to get it, not even after you've paid your debt. I'm done dealing with—"

"No!" Rafe quickly cut in, "no, no, no, please. I– fine. Fine, I'll do it. I'll disable the cameras," he nodded to himself, "I'll do it. When you get here, it'll be done."

"Good boy," Kaden placed a hand on his shoulder, "don't fuck up, okay? I'll see you around." With that, he got inside his car and drove away without as much as sparing the older Cameron a glance.

𓆞・゚𓆝 *: 𓆟

JJ WAS SITTING INSIDE, on a couch holding an icepack to his face when Kaden walked in his house.

He pursed his lips at the sight of his bruised face, JJ only managing a weak smirk in response as he dramatically drawled out, "welcome home, honey."

"Who'd you piss off?" Kaden asked, approaching him. He grabbed the ice pack from his hand, pulling it away to get a better look at his face. He internally winced before placing it back on, "your dad?"

"He owes $30,000 in restitution," JJ mumbled as Kaden walked over to his kitchen, opening the fridge and taking out two cans of coke while the blonde continued to speak, "he's mad at me because of that."

"He's always mad at you," Kaden opened one of the cans and handed it to him which he took immediately. "If it's money you need," he began slowly, watching JJ's expression closely, "I can arrange that."

The blonde snorted, "how? You're a Pogue, just like the rest of us. Sorry to break it to you, but we are poor. Maybe you work, but there's no way you have $30,000—" his eyes widen, "wait, do you?"

"Not on me I don't," Kaden pursed his lips, "but I can get it for you."

"You'd do that?" JJ stared at his friend, "I mean, I have like three hundred, but. . . Earning money is hard."

"Don't worry about it," he took a sip of his drink, "I got this."

"Thank you," JJ's eyes held sincerity, "really. I'd pay you back if I could. I'll add some as well—"

"No," Kaden cut him off with a shake of his head, "you don't have to. Let me deal with it. I can help you. Speaking of payback, you could do that in some other way."

JJ leaned on his knees, sounding interested, "I'm listening."

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