Echoing Fives (part 2)

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Important note:
If you didn't see the previous chapter (the important note) then here's an explanation.  I forgot to post the second part of Echoing Fives. Real professional. 🥲 I know. Here's part 2, sorry for the mixup.

 Here's part 2, sorry for the mixup

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Day 739 SK

   Destination: Azure system

   1500 hours

"Please tell me we are blowing something up!" Wrecker says excitedly, turning to the General. We stand in the Batch's ship, on our way to the Dreadnought.

General Skywalker crosses his arms. "Sorry Wrecker, this is strictly stealth."

I raise my eyebrows. I thought the last mission was supposed to be stealth? Wrecker groans. "I hate that word."

The General ignores him and places a hand on Echo's shoulder. "Echo, you're up."

"Don't worry. As soon as I plug in, I'll send a signal to the command ship," he replies. We're just about within range of the dreadnought.

"What type of signal are you gonna send?" Hunter asks. "Nothing that'll give us away, right?"
Echo sticks his screwdriver hand (which is, ironically, coming in handy) into a port in the ship. "As far as the droids are concerned, we're just gonna be another one of their shuttles coming in for a landing," Echo informs him.

"And the regs think we take risks," Hunter mutters to Crosshair. I shoot him a look that he doesn't notice. Echo sends the signal, and I hold my breath.

"Roger, roger, Shuttle TC-159. You may approach and land." A droid's voice comes over the comms. So far so good.

Beside me, Wrecker groans again. "I'd still rather blow it up."

"I have a feeling you'll get your chance," Tech responds, quieting him. Wrecker is what happens when you give a toddler authority over the explosives, basically. Thankfully the Batch is fairly good at "handling" him. How the Kaminoans managed him, I have no idea. He's half a foot taller than most of my brothers, and has one pale eye and scars branching from the side of his head from an explosive mishap.
We pull up under the Dreadnought and board it without trouble, walking through the halls with our blasters at the ready. We progress into a large white room, with important looking power boards making up the walls. Tech opens a hollow pillar in the middle of the room, and Echo steps inside of it. I stop in its doorway, looking up the shaft. A smaller pillar sits in the middle, meeting halfway up with an identical one and creating an energy bond between them. I can feel the faint static in the air.

"Tech," Echo turns to him. "Can you rig an interface?"

"I assume that's a rhetorical question," Tech responds —ever the sassy pants— as he crouches in front of the central pillar.

"We should make sure this comm vault has no other entrances," Echo tells the General.

"I'm on it," he replies.

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