Good Soldiers

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Day 564 SK   Destination: Ringo Vinda Space Station   1400 hours

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Day 564 SK
Destination: Ringo Vinda Space Station
1400 hours

I stand behind the shields with my brothers, firing at the droids ahead of us. We're on Ringo Vinda, a space station circling an entire planet like a planetary ring. It's been days, but we haven't been able to get past the enemy's forces. The goal is that we'll overtake it, earning some info and capturing an important war General. It would help turn the tides of the war.

Eventually, we break through the droids to a room we can regroup in, and gather around General Skywalker and the Jedi twins, Generals Tiplee and Tiplar. The plan is to split up and divide the enemies forces, then we'll converge again and catch them off guard. We disperse, gathering into our different groups.

     Noticing he's missing, I look around for Fives. He's standing by Tup in the back. Tup sees me watching and shoves his helmet on, jogging after the others.

     "Is he okay?" I ask Fives, watching Tup get into position with the others.

     "He's got a headache. Probably just tired, it's been a long week."

     "Yeah," I agree quietly, brushing it off as we get back to the battlefield. Blaster shots echo around the room, along with shouts and the clanking of advancing droids. We're finally making progress, their forces successfully divided. So, at General Skywalker's command, we keep pushing. We find ourselves in a spacious room with large windows high in the walls, revealing the golden-pink planet that the space station circles. I take down droid after droid from behind a shield in the back. I am called "Sniper" for a reason.

I stop firing for a moment so I can watch Tup, who's acting kinda weird. He knocks his helmet a few times, and lowers his blaster. That's a fatal mistake on the battlefield, and he knows it.

     "Hey Trips," I address the clone I'm standing beside, who holds the shield and his own blaster. "I'm advancing. Catch up when you have a gap."

     He nods and I give Peg a command gesture, sending him over to Jesse. Then I move toward the pillar Tup stands beside. He takes his helmet off as I get there.

     "Tup, what's going on?" I ask, firing at a droid that spotted us. Stupid clankers won't even give me a second with my brother.

"Good clones follow orders," he sneers. His eyes are on one of the twin Generals. He starts toward one of them, who I recognize as General Tiplar.

     I grab his arm, pulling him back from a blaster shot to the head. "Our orders are—" He shoves me off, and I fall down. Fives runs in to cover me, calling out to Tup. Tup walks straight up to the Jedi, and raises his blaster.

     "Tup, no!" Fives shouts, running over to him. I take my turn covering him now, blasting the nearest droids, stopping to watch.

Tup fires, killing the Jedi.

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