Peg and the Padawans

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Day 102 SK   Location: Eltharr Jedi Temple   1600 hours

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Day 102 SK
Location: Eltharr Jedi Temple
1600 hours

"Can I pet your dog?"

I stop, looking around for a moment before seeing the Jedi youngling standing behind me. I'm in the landing hangar in the Jedi Temple on Eltharr, waiting for the 212th to pick me up for a mission. Small and blond, she now stands in front of me with a group of other younglings behind her. I haven't talked to any younglings, really, since there's been no need for me to. It's kinda alarming to suddenly see so many. Where did they come from?

"You want to pet my wolf Peg?" I clarify.

She nods, the other younglings following her lead.

"Uh, if you're gentle, sure. Here, Peg." I signal him over, and he sits down beside me. The youngling hesitates, suddenly scared. "It's alright, he won't bite you," I say gently. She reaches her hand out, but he turns his head to look at her and she yanks it back. I blink, thinking for a second. Is this how all the Jedi younglings are?

"Can I take your hand, Miss?" I ask. She blushes, holding it out to me. I rest my own hand against the back of hers and gently place it on Peg.

Her face immediately melts into a giant smile. "He's soft!"

"Right?" I reply with a smile, making her giggle. "I just washed him with Commander Ahsoka this morning, so he's super fluffy." Noticing the other younglings' pique in interest, I beckon them over and watch as they pet him. He licks them playfully, basking in the attention.

"Don't get a big head," I warn him. He blinks at me and I laugh quietly. The younglings squeal and laugh. They're so much different than I was at their age. In a group, talking and laughing together. I was alone, unwanted by the clones, and only an experiment to Den Kiri. My smile fades.

"May we pet him?"

I look up into the face of a Padawan, braid hanging down behind her right ear. Much like the younglings, there's a group of them all around the same age, a year older than me at most. I nod, and the younglings dutifully make space for the Padawans. They take turns, petting him in groups of two. From the excited and thoughtful tones of their voices, it seems like they just came from training.

Two others stand a little ways from us, watching while they discuss something quietly. I wave a hand to catch their attention and beckon them over. "Did you want to pet Peg? He's pretty friendly."

The dark haired one looks thoroughly unsure, but his white haired friend drags him over. Flashing a smile, I look between the two of them. "He won't bite."

The white-haired boy nods as if that confirms that his friend will pet the wolf, whether he wants to or not. He scratches Peg between the ears and looks at me. "Where does he like to be pet best?"

"He likes chin scratches, but I give him a nice tail scratch when he does a good job." The Padawan nods, scratching the base of Peg's tail, and under his chin. He glances up at his friend. "See? I told you they were nice."

His friend still looks hesitant, so I gently take his wrist and guide his hand onto Peg, similar to the Youngling. A nervous smile blooms on his face, and he looks up at me and the other boy excitedly. "I'm doing it! I still have all my fingers!" We laugh, and Peg licks his hand, making him yank it back. Me and the white haired boy laugh harder.

"You're a clone trooper?" The dark haired boy asks, cautiously petting Peg again.

"Yes Sir," I reply.

"My name is Landir. What's your name?"

"Pup. I'm serving with the 501st and 212th today."

The white haired boy smiles. "My name is—"

"Guys, we've gotta go! Our Masters don't have all day!" The girl shouts at them from the edge of the hangar, where she and the other Padawans are.

"Oh yeah, I forgot! Master Felian and I are leaving with Master Pardim tomorrow," the white-haired boy tells Landir as they get to their feet.

"What?! You're always traveling! I barely leave the Temple."

The boy shrugs and they run off, shouting a hurried thanks as they leave. I wave to them, and Peg rests his head against my leg. I scratch his ears and sigh quietly. They're so... different. They fight, but not in the same way. They're keepers of the peace, not soldiers. Or so I'm told. I've seen them fighting more than anything else.

"Pup! Ready to go?"

I get to my feet as Commander Cody comes over. "Yeah. I got caught up with the Padawans. They've taken a liking to Peg." I gesture to him, and he barks. The Commander shakes his head with a slight smile.

"Well, I can't argue with the Padawans." Peg barks happily, and he smirks. "We should get moving, the others are waiting for us."

I follow him back across the courtyard, throwing a final glance at where the Padawans went. But they're gone, somewhere in the halls of the Temple.

I turn my back on them and follow my brother away.

SkyfallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ