Lola Eternal

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After my business trip in Japan, I make a detour to Eden Estate, Washington. As soon as I enter our home I smell Lola's sweet scent, North Eden perfume. Since I purchased her some on our first date, it's the only fragrance she's ever worn. I whisper, "After 25 years it still smells so good on you, baby."

My phone vibrates jolting me out of my sweet thought. It's Eloise.

Eloise: When are u coming home?

Me: Tomorrow a.m.

Eloise: Again? U said that yesterday

Eyes shut, gnashing I place my phone on the foyer table. Her text has vexed me. Holding back tears I head to the east-wing of the house to see my Lola. I remove my shoes and tie and get more comfortable as I head to the top floor. Entering the attic, all I see is miles of jet blue, Pacific water through the picture windows. My heart pounds as I whisper, "You love the ocean, baby. Today, it looks awesome."

Slow, I turn my head, looking left into the corner. I sigh, "Why's it so dark where you are? Yeah, I'm going to have another window installed on the roof right above you. I'll call first thing in the morning. You'll just have to stay in the guest room until they're done. I know, I know, you love your ocean view, but baby you're my sun. I need to see it shining on you, displaying your matchless beauty."

Opening her coffin, she looks magnificent. Eyes filling with tears, I start my new chant as I gaze upon her. Dammit! She's not responding. I murmur, "Why are you here, but she's not?"

The spirit I summoned in Japan, 永遠の pronounced Eien no or Eternal in English, presence is here. Sobbing, I shut my eyes as my body quakes from grief and horror. The presence's weight fills the room. Unable to sustain its heaviness, I kneel. Once on my knees, I start praying.

My poor God-fearing family is clueless to the darkness I've been dabbling in since I lost my beloved. All I can whisper is, "Lord have mercy on..." Gritting my teeth I stop and simply welcome my newfound demon. I need to speak to my Lola. She's awakened. On all fours, I lift my eyes towards her coffin. I'm unable to touch her without a physical body. She stands in her corner, saddened and lifeless, still she looks as lovely as an angel. Well, how I envision an angel. Standing, I wipe my face dry with the hem of my button-up. We stand gazing into each other's eyes. I pant out, "I-I love you. I miss you so much."

Her bright clear eyes, don't as much as blink. All she can do is stare. After about 30 minutes, she's gone. I lie on the floor next to her coffin, crying myself to sleep. The sun wakes me. Rising off of the floor, I adore Lola a moment, take my shower, then head to the airport. Eternal spirit is much more satisfying than Mrs. Braiden's method of resurrecting Lola. When I did it Braiden's way, Lola always seemed agitated or angry. This time she seems aware that she's away from me. This time I felt as if I'd soon be with her forever.

Entering the plane, my confidence is renewed. I feel empowered to finally kill Mae. She's lived free for way too long. Since God doesn't see fit to vindicate my Lola, Eternal has empowered me to do so. Seeing my Lola hurting because she's not with me has enraged me. As soon as I get to Michigan I'm going to stop at my dad's and get his sword...

"Sir, what would you like to drink?" The flight attendant asks, disrupting my plans.

Throat dry from not speaking, eating, or drinking, clearing it I answer, "Nothing. Thanks."

The flight attendant thinks I'm handsome. I can tell by the way she keeps gazing into my eyes. Now she's just staring my way, entranced. Squinting and frowning I huff. She gives a timid chuckle saying, "Ok." She then leaves.

Now in Michigan a company car pulls up. I tell my driver, "I'm not going home, take me to this location."

Handing him Mae's address, written on the back of my business card, my driver answers, "No problem." He puts her address, into his GPS, and then drives off.

The windshield is blurred by rippling waves while booms of thundering and lightning rattle the car. My driver says, "This is a long drive. Are you sure you don't want to wait until the rain subsides, Mr. York?"

Glaring through the review mirror, I shake my head no. Nodding, he continues driving, but extra careful. Lola's sad face fill my thoughts, causing me to chant. However, I'm having a moral battle within. My convictions overrule me. I decide to relent, then out of nowhere a Mack truck starts swerving.

"Oh, God!" The driver shrieks, while braking. Our car spins, crashing into the embankment. The truck slams on its brakes, but doesn't stop. It rams into the car. Feeling the sting of shattered glass splitting my face, I envision Lola's saddened face. Suddenly her eyes soften and she smiles. Smiling back, I whisper, "See you soon Lola."

it's then I look up and watch as this Mack truck starts collapsing my way.

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