First Name

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We shake our lawyer's hand and then leave. Hyde says, "Well, that went well."

"Hmm," I grunt.

"Lee you know I travel a lot for ministry. I know Dad just wants us to receive an equal inheritance, but co-CEOs? He should've just made you CEO alone."

"Nonsense. What if I or you die suddenly like Dad, then what? This way we own 70 percent of our family's fortune. No one can ever take it from us or your children's children."

"Or your coming children."

I scoff, "Uh yeah."

"It's farfetched to you now Lee, but mark my words, when love catches you, you're hit. There's no refusing or defeating it. Love always wins, remember that."

"Mental note, Hyde," I wink.

"So what are you about to get into?"

"Uh, nothing much. Have a few items to pick up from the tailor then probably chill."

Nodding, Hyde reaches for a hug saying, "Love you. Talk to you later."

"Alright, Hyde. Love you too."

My tailor hasn't arrived yet so an older gentleman finishes a hem on a pair of my pants. While he fixes it, he starts humming In The Garden. Gazing at myself in the mirror I say, "My nana loved that song."

"Really? I knew the composer."


"He wrote it from a vision he shared with God, dirt poor, in a leaky basement."

I could care less about this pauper's story, so I nod asking, "Are we almost done? I have another appointment."

He struggles off of his knees grunting, "You're all set Mr. York. It's so good to see you again."

Cutting my eyes at him I say, "Sir, I think you have me mistaken for someone else."

"Oh no. I'll never forget you, Mr. York. Had any visions yourself, lately?"

"Good day," I say as I walk into the dressing room to change.

Now with the cashier, she asks, "Everything to your liking Mr. York?"

"Yes. Thank you, Gloria, one small suggestion though. The tailor here replacing Aston is a little senile. You may want to hire younger help."

Gloria chuckles, "What? Someone's back there?"

"Huh? Yes, an older gentleman. He looks to be, I guess 70."

"Ha! Ha! Are you joking?"

Squinting her way, Aston enters his shop saying, "Hey, Lee. So sorry I'm late. Did everything fit okay?"

Hesitant I answer, "Yes. Perfect per usual."

"Good! Good! See you in a few weeks?"


Shaking his hand, I nod towards Gloria and then leave.

Joy called earlier wanting to see me. She and I haven't been together for almost a year now. We didn't break up, just drifted apart. I'm horny, so I take the short trip to her home. She opens the door all glammed up for me. Kissing her cheek I say, "Hey beautiful."

Grinning she greets, "Hey baby."

Glancing over at my nana's home, which is now for sale, I ask, "How much are they asking for nana's home?"

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