I stepped out of the restroom at the Dubai restaurant, digging through my bag absentmindedly while walking. Half my attention was on finding my lipstick, and the other half was on navigating my way. Big mistake.

Suddenly, I collided with someone, a collision so intense that both of us ended up on the ground. My bag sprawled, and his phone thudded onto the floor. Groaning, I looked up to see him rubbing his back. When our eyes met, I noticed his beautiful light brown eyes.

"Can't you see, idiot?" I snapped, starting to pick up my scattered things.

"I can see, miss, but I think you are blind," he replied, recovering his phone. My irritation surged. First, this guy made me fall, and now he was showing attitude.

I scrambled to gather my belongings, shooting an irritated glance at the guy who seemed more concerned about his phone than the collision. "Nice going," I muttered, still rubbing my sore elbow.

"Oh, spare me the drama. I didn't sign up for a collision course in the restroom," he retorted, inspecting his now slightly scratched phone. I raised an eyebrow. "Well, maybe next time, try looking where you're going instead of giving your precious phone a VIP treatment."

He scoffed, "VIP treatment? It's a phone, not royalty."

I smirked, "Could've fooled me with the way you're mourning over it."

He shot me a sceptical look, "You know, people usually apologise when they crash into someone."

"People usually watch where they're walking," I shot back, my irritation turning into amusement. He chuckled, "Touché. But in my defence, your bag is like a stealth weapon."

I scoffed, "Stealth weapon? It's just a bag, not a ninja."

He grinned, "Well, it did sneak up on me."

I shook my head, "Clearly, you need to attend Bag Awareness 101."

He smirked, "And you, miss, need to attend Walking Without Bumping Into People 101."

I crossed my arms, "I was walking perfectly fine until you appeared, Mr. Crash-and-Whine."

He chuckled, "I'll have you know, I'm usually a smooth walker."

I arched an eyebrow, "Smooth walker or smooth talker?"

He winked, "Both. But accidents happen, and I can't resist a good collision."

I rolled my eyes towards him and waved my hands. “ Anyways I don't. Have. Time. To . Waste on idiots so bye “ I said and walked away bumping into his shoulder. He said something behind me but I was not about to turn around. Such an idiot. My phone is an important task.

People like him only keep up with their attitude.

The morning ray hit my face as I slowly opened my eyes

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The morning ray hit my face as I slowly opened my eyes. Before the alarm could ring I turned it off. Getting up on the bed I stretched my arms . My shirtless chest is getting visible. I looked out of the window and then got up from the bed. Stepping into the bathroom I took a warm shower that will keep my skin good and healthy always. After getting all fresh I wore my suit and did my morning routine.

I walked towards Krishna and did the morning pooja like my mother used to do. Even though I don't believe in things like these. Krishna or any other  but for maa I can do this to keep her memories alive.

I continued the pooja and then went to the office . I have a lot of work to complete.

I strolled through the bustling office lobby, my assistant hurrying towards me with a whirlwind of papers and a sense of urgency. She rattled off my schedule and upcoming meetings, but her tone shifted when she mentioned the new assistant.

"Sir, tomorrow the new assistant will take my place. I'll brief her thoroughly so there won't be any issues," she informed me, her eyes reflecting a mix of responsibility and relief. Marriage had called her away, and she needed the rest. "I need her to be perfect. I won't tolerate any unprofessionalism," I replied in my calm, composed voice, offering her a reassuring smile as I entered my office.

Inside, a mountain of files awaited me. Sighing, I began to sift through them, engrossed in the tasks at hand. Amidst the paperwork, my phone buzzed with a call from Amrita. Irritated, I initially ignored it, but her persistence forced me to answer, my tone switching smoothly to a more flirtatious one as she rambled about a date.

Rolling my eyes, I reluctantly agreed. My father's insistence on this alliance left me with little choice.

Exiting the company later, I headed to the Dubai restaurant to meet Amrita. As she approached, she became overly touchy, making me uncomfortable. I concocted an excuse about needing the restroom, escaping briefly. When I returned, she seemed less interested in me and more in other men, and we eventually parted ways.

The night took a turn at the club, drowning in music and alcohol to forget the unpleasant rendezvous. Yet, amidst the chaos, one thing lingered in my mind—the captivating eyes of a girl I'd bumped into earlier. Lucky for me, she hadn't resorted to pulling my ears during our banter.

Amrita's presence lingered like an unpleasant aftertaste, but the memory of those mesmerising eyes remained the focal point of my thoughts.

I don't like her, yes I hate her at first sight. She is too much of herself like madam you bumped into me . She thinks that the whole way was her. And what she said I was looking at my phone like it's my Royalty. Come on I can fucking buy all the phones in the company.

Girls like her can never get a good man. Ahh I am getting frustrated she needs to get out of my mind.

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