Chapter 9: Noah

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"Hey quick slow up Mirage! He's stopping!" I spoke up quickly as I watched Bumblebee pull over outside of a warehouse-the same warehouse the autobots met at earlier today.

Mirage jerked over to a halt behind a tree and my head bumped against the steering wheel. "Seriously dude? You couldn't have stopped slower."

"You told me to quickly slow up," Mirage retorted. If I could see his face, I know he would be smirking. "Anyways there's you girl getting out now."

Through the moon shining above I watched as the Samuel Witwicky dude held open the door for Ray. She stepped out and smiled at him.

I felt a pang in my heart as I watched the two talk for a few seconds. Then the Witwicky jerk climbed into Bumblebee and drove away.

Ray turned and I realized she must have spotted Mirage since she started walking toward us.

I hit the locks just as she arrived in front of the passenger  door

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I hit the locks just as she arrived in front of the passenger door. She grabbed the knob and attempted to open it.

"Dude, did you just lock her out?" Mirage's startled voice came out of his radio.

"Shut up and let me take it from here," I snapped. I leaned back in my seat, a smug smile on my face. This would show her.

Ray tried to open the door again but was still unsuccessful. Folding her arms she glared at me through the window.

"What's up?" I asked, rolling the window down.

Raising an eyebrow, Ray frowned. "You locked me out?"

"Well yeah," I shrugged offhandedly. "Figured you were gonna go home with that witwicky dude and-"

"Noah Leon Diaz don't you dare finish that sentence!" Ray snapped, eyes sparkling.

"Why?" I titled my head. "Because it's true?"

"Why you!!!" Ray was so angry she was sputtering. I had never before seen her so angry. I had an odd feeling in my stomach. Maybe I had gone a little too far...

"For your information he gave me a ride home since you bozos left me behind!" Ray hissed. "And though he flirted with me I ignored it because I thought you and I were a thing. But I guess I was wrong."

Turning on her heel, Ray folded her arms and began to storm away.

"Uh dude, was her walking away on her own at night part of the plan?"

"Can it Mirage," I spoke through gritted teeth. I was just trying to show Raya a lesson but if she wanted to play this way, fine.

I watched as Ray turned the corner and disappeared out of sight. Then my stomach did a little bit of a flip flop.

Unlocking the doors, I opened the driver's side. I was about to step out when the door slammed shut.

"Relax, she just needs to cool off, " Mirage interrupted before I could protest.

Transformers 2007 (Ray's return)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin