Chapter 1 "Clean Up"

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So this is my first OUAT fanfiction. So enjoy! ALSO this story will be a bit mixed up with the events that went on during the time.

Emma POV

"No Henry you can't skip school again. It will become a big problem." I responded.

"Come on Emma please!"

"No Henry, Regina wills kill me."

"Ugh come on!"

"No Henry. I have somewhere to be today with a friend."

"I'll stay put! Grandma and Grandpa will watch me!"

I looked up and saw David coming down the stairs with Mary. She had my little brother in my hands.

"What's all the ruckus?" He asked.

"Henry wants to skip school. And I cant watch him I have somewhere to be!" I retorted as I was getting on my leather jacket.

"Well me and Snow can watch him." David said.

"No that's okay you have my little brother to watch."

"Oh no Emma it's really okay. In fact I think we could use Henry's help with him."

I looked at my parents. Clearly I won't be able to win this.

"Okay then. I'll be back."

"Where you going?"

I stopped in my tracks. I hate to tell my Father that I'm going out with Hook or Killian. He seems to hate him for some reason. I'll admit he is rough around the edges like everyone else here. But no one really likes a pirate.

"With a friend!" I then left.

I arrived at Granny's and saw Hook was at the booth drinking coffee it looks like. Never knew a pirate like him would drink anything besides rum. I took a seat and he didn't notice? He was just staring out the window.


"Oh! Hey there Love didn't notice you came in."

"Yeah I can tell...Since when did you drink Coffee?"

"Well I figured if I'm gonna be in this world to try what everyone Else is trying." He smiled and took another sip. I never thought a pirates smile could make me feel warm inside.

"Hey Emma!"

I looked over and saw Ruby.

"Hey Ruby."

"The usual?"

"Yes please, coffee."

Ruby looked over and saw Hook. She gave him a disgusted look. I notice everyone in here are looking at Hook disgusted. No one really likes Hook here since his past was being a pirate and all. And probably being disgusting to women.

"Anything else you want, Pirate?"

"Uh no this coffee will be it Love."


Ruby then left.

"Man the people here sure don't like your presence here in StoryBrooke."

"Pirates life!" He laughed. It's honestly impressive how one can't give a damn about anyone's opinion.

"So what's the reason you called me love?"

"Well you know how the Snow Queen cursed the people?"

"Yeah love what about it?"

"Some damage has been done and the sherif has to fix it. And I cant do it alone maybe you could help me out?"

"Sure. I have nothing planned."

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