Chapter 5: A new start

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"Oh, angel. Who- who taught you how to do that." Crowley said, panting.

Aziraphale just smiled at Crowley. He cleaned up the mess, laid back down, and looked at Crowley. He boops Crowley's nose.

"Nobody, really. It's just something I picked up from over the years." Aziraphale shrugged and smiled.

Crowley smiled back, and they cuddled up and fell asleep. Azira was still up, and he just looked at Crowley. He couldn't believe that it took 6000+ years just to say 'I love you'.

6000 years too long. He thought. He ran his fingers through Crowley's hair and soon too fell asleep.

~~The next morning~~

Aziraphale was still holding Crowley, and he woke up. It was almost 6:00am, and he just faced Crowley.

"Good morning, beautiful." He whispers into Crowley's ear. It sends a shiver down Crowley's spine. He sits up and fixes his hair. Just as he fixed it, Aziraphale messed it up again. Crowley looks at him half-asleep and just gives a mocking smile on a kind way. He rubbed his eyes, and Aziraphale snapped his fingers, and a breakfast tray appeared. Crowley was just about to say something, but Aziraphale interrupted him.

"Don't mention it. It's the least I can do after last night." Azira winked when he said last night.

Crowley was a flustered mess and covered his face.

"Yeah, yeah. Take your time. And you can stay as long as you like. If you need me, I'll be downstairs reading." Azira said as he got up, got dressed, and went downstairs.

Crowley nodded and started to eat his food. It had sunnyside up eggs, French toast, and a glass of orange juice. Once he got finished, he too got dressed and went to see Aziraphale. He was a blushing mess. As he went lay on the couch, he covered his face from embarrassment. He transformed into a snake and covered him with a blanket.

"You alright, dear?" Aziraphale asked as he read a book.

He gulped and then spoke. "Y- yeah, I'm alright.  Ev-rything is jussst finee."

"Was last night too much for you?"

"No, no," Crowley said, transformed back and sat up. "It was wonderful. I just never done that before with anyone."

"Ah, okay, well, do you want to again or keep things slow. I'm okay with slow." He said as he sat by Crowley and rubbed his back.

Crowley covered his face and laid his head on Aziraphale's shoulder. "Slow." He said quietly. "But let's keep doing.... it. I liked it....."

Aziraphale smiled and nodded ad he ran his fingers through Crowley's hair. He hummed, "A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square" to him, and Crowley fell asleep. Once he saw that the demon was asleep, he got up and covered him with a blanket. He kissed his forehead, and Crowley smiled in his sleep.

He sleeps so peacefully. Aziraphale thought then smiled. He went to the front door of the shop and flipped the sign to Closed. He pulled all the blinds and turned the lights out. He kissed Crowley's head again and went into his study.

He read a couple of books before going to check on Crowley. He saw that he was wrapping a present for him and decided that he shouldn't look. He caught a glimpse of it, and it looked like a stack of books. He didn't want to know and went back to his study. A book in, and there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"There is something waiting for you on the couch." Crowley said as he offered his hand to Aziraphale. He took it, and they walked to the couch to see what it was. They both sat down by the present, and Crowley smiled as Aziraphale opened it up. It was indeed a stack of more books, but Azira still let out the excitement.

"Awe, thanks, Crowley." He said as he hugged him. "I also have something for you." He went to the study and grabbed a small box. Crowley smiled at it and opened it. It was a small keychain of the Bentley and a key for it on the chain.

"Oh, Aziraphale. That's so sweet." Crowly chuckled.

"It's only fair."

Crowley smiled. "Let's go out to eat. Ritz, maybe?"

Aziraphale nods in agreement, and they drive to the Ritz.


Words: 725

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