Chapter 4: Starting over again

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And..... Crowley gives such a passionate kiss that even God smiles on awe. She takes the two and sends them to the empty universe. While she is doing that, Crowley starts to turn feel an awkward sense. He pulls away to see what's going on. But he doesn't see anything change. He doesn't feel any less demonic or any more holy. His appearance or personality doesn't change as well, but he just feels weird. He looks at his wings, and they start to turn into a more type of galaxy color. He gasped in awe, and Aziraphale is also in awe. They both start to hear God's voice. They look for her and see her in front of them. She is a giant compared to them. She smiles at Aziraphale and looks towards Crowley.

"Here you go, Crowley. This way, you can be here and still be yourself. I don't mind if you ask questions about anything anymore. That was dumb of me, and I apologize for it. This time, you can create anything you wish, and I won't kill it in 6000 years. Don't worry about t Earth. Everyone is safe. I reversed Armageddon, and there is no memory of it to anyone. I hope that you two can finally be yourselves. And also, the "Angels" that were ever rude or cruel to you two, they have been dealt with. Enjoy eternity." God says, waves, and dissappears.

Both smile at each other and start to look into the vast emptiness that was their canvas.

"Well. What shall we start first dear? Make a nebula, create a planet? We have this whole area to ourselves. Shall we be pirates on a planet somewhere?"

"You know. That actually doesn't sound too bad. But, let's just stay here for a bit. It's so relaxing. I wonder what God is doing without any angels?"

"Alright. I think God will just make more when need be." Aziraphale chuckled.

"You know, back on Earth. I was a part of Blackbeard's crew. I was his right-hand man." Crowley smirked at the angel.

"Oh yeah, I do remember that. I was his stinky butler carrying his stuff everywhere. But it was fun because you were there."

"Awe, I'm flattered. Oooooh, look. Shooting stars." He points to the shooting stars to a nebula behind them. "Look at you. You're gorgeous." Crowley says, but this time, he looks at Aziraphale instead.

Aziraphale blushes and covers his face with his wing.

"Awe, don't look away. It's the truth, and I will not lie. At least not to you." Crowley smirked.

The angel smiles and uncovers his face. "I'm really thankful."

Crowley smiles and hugs Aziraphale. He sighs in a bit of sadness.

"What wrong?" Azira asked concerning.

"Missing Bently. Man, she was a beautiful car. It sucked when she broke down during the first Armageddon. Also, Im sorry, I yelled at you when you changed it to yellow. Wait, why was it yellow again?" He asked.

"Oh. This might be embarrassing, but I changed it because I thought it was pretty. It was because of your eyes. I was going to say why, but I thought it might make you weirded out." Aziraphale said shyly.

"Oh, angel." Crowley said, then kissed him. It was a good few seconds before they pulled away. They tried to breathe for air but realized they were in space. They had a good laugh and then smiled at each other.

"Shall we head back to Earth or stay here for a bit longer?" Aziraphale asked.

"Sure, why not." Crowley shrugged.

As they flew to Earth, they just chatted about the past.

"Too bad we can't go back in time. The outfit you had in 33AD was beautiful. And your hair was gorgeous. I really liked that." Azira says cheerfully.

"Thanks, angel." Crowley responded with a bit of blush. "I really loved your 1700s outfit. Now, that was pretty. " Crowley chuckles. He reaches for Aziraphale's hand and holds it. He just wanted to be around the angel. No, his angel. He wanted his angel. Aziraphale saw this and held it tightly. He never wanted to let go of his demon.

They soon reached Earth and teleported to the Bookshop. They had their original outfits on and hid their wings. Aziraphale looked at Crowley up and down with a smirking smile, and Crowley knew exactly what Azira wanted.

"Am I thinking what you're thinking?" Crowley asked with a bit of shy.

"Shall we finish was Metatron interrupted?"

Crowley was actually a bit scared because he had never seen Aziraphale like this. He was wondering if God might have given him a bit of a devilish trait. No trait wasn't the word he was looking for. Charm? Yeah, Charm. He thought. He loved this, and before he could say or think anything else, Aziraphale crashed his lips to Crowley's, and they were teleported to the spare room.

You know what happens next ;)

Words: 826

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